鲍 彤
2,这个组织有经费,数额相当可观。直接用于对我盯梢的汽车,至少有6辆,其中宝马(BMW)和奔驰 (Benz)至少4辆。他们还配备了摩托和对讲机。
鲍 彤 2000年5月31日
A Letter to the National People’s Congress
Bao Tong
February 28, 2005
Beijing Public Security Bureau
C/o To whom it may in charge at the CCP and the Government,
National People’s Congress
I am writing to you to report that: after articles for protection of human right has been “included in the Constitution”, there continue to be official organizations and cadres whose professions are that of human rights violations. They continue to carry out orders from the leadership of the Party and the Government that is against the Constitution.
Mr. Zhao Ziyang passed away on January 17th, 2005. The next day, in the morning of the 18th, my wife Jiang Zongcao and I were ready to go to Zhao’s house to offer my condolences. My sole purpose was to mourn for this great citizen and to bring my regards personally to his family. However, my very sentiments could not be tolerated by the Party and the Government. As soon as I step out of my apartment, a group of unidentified people physically attempted to bloc me from going out. My wife was injured as she was pushed to the ground and had to be rushed to a hospital. The later diagnostic revealed that she suffered a spinal fracture due to compressed pressure, and remain in the hospital today. She is 73 year old and we don’t know when exactly she would fully recover. I also suffered fracture on my right hand finger and disorder of my right wriest. I appoint out to these people while the incident was happening: your superiors who order you do this is callous and violets the law and the Constitution. They seemed to admit without silence but continued to carry out their illegal orders. As a result, I had been confined into my apartment for fifteen days until February 2nd.
Nevertheless, this is not the first incident such as this happened to me and my family. May 6, 2000, we were walking in the street of Beijing; we also were intercepted by a similar group of people carried out their orders in the name of the Party and the Government. During that incident, my wife was also pushed to the ground. Last time I reported the incident to the local and municipal Public Security Bureau as well as the Premier of the State Council and the Chairman of the PRC. But I have never received any reply (see the attached letter). I therefore conclude from the Public Security Bureau to the Chairman of the country, none of them denies the existence of neither these people nor the relationship of these people with the Party and the Government. Until today, these people continue to carry out their orders to monitor me and follow me around 24 hours a day. Given the current condition of our country, I believe without the order from the Party and the Government, all of these people and their mission can not exist. Although the culprits of Feb 18th incident refuse to identify themselves, but it seems like they are the same group of people that carried out the May 6 incident of year 2000. All of them are professionals sent by the Party and the Government to violet fundamental rights and personal freedom of a citizen.
I will not list relevant articles of various laws of which being violated here. Due to the fact that protection of human rights was included into the constitution in 2004, also the leadership of the party and the government also claimed that “power is to be exercised by the people”, I thereby to report the above incident. Organizations of the Party and the Government violet citizens rights is not only against the law but also quite common in this country. The reason that these organization dare to trample the law is because they have not been punished for doing so. They have never become defendants in court. I do believe for the sake of the reputation the Constitution and the NPC, those in the leadership position who issue orders to state agencies carries out mission violates the law are need to be charged in accordance of the law.
I expect to be answered on how the NPC might do to curb and limit the Party and the government’s human rights violations; and, what kind of help the NPC might give to the victims.
I hope this letter will be delivered to it recipients. Thank You.
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