Rank United States Canada 估曼Score
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.92
2 Stanford University 4.91
3 University of California- Berkeley 4.88
4 University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign 4.86
4 University of Toronto 4.86
6 University of California- Los Angeles 4.82
6 McGill University 4.82
8 Cornell University 4.81
8 University of British Columbia 4.81
10 McMaster University 4.80
11 Purdue University- West Lafayette 4.79
12 University of Southern California 4.77
13 Princeton University 4.76
14 University of Michigan- Ann Arbor 4.75
14 University of Alberta 4.75
16 Carnegie Mellon University 4.74
17 Polytechnic University 4.73
18 Queen's University 4.72
19 University of Calgary 4.71
20 University of Saskatchewan 4.70
20 University of Texas-Austin 4.70
20 Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal 4.70
20 University of Manitoba 4.70
24 Laval University 4.69
25 University of New Brunswick 4.68
26 Columbia University 4.66
26 University of Ottawa 4.66
26 Technical University of Nova Scotia 4.66
29 Georgia Institute of Technology 4.65
29 Royal Military College of Canada 4.65
31 University of Maryland- College Park 4.64
32 Ohio State University- Columbus 4.63
33 Stevens Institute of Technology 4.62
34 University of Minnesota 4.60
35 Memorial University of Newfoundland 4.58
35 Northwestern University 4.58
37 University of California- Santa Barbara 4.57
38 University of Florida 4.56
38 University of Western Ontario 4.56
40 Carleton University 4.55
40 University of Waterloo 4.55
41 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 4.54
42 Johns Hopkins University 4.53
43 Rice University 4.52
44 Brown University 4.50
44 University of Windsor 4.50
46 University of Wisconsin- Madison 4.49
47 Lakehead University 4.46
47 University of Arizona 4.46
47 Universite de Sherbrooke 4.46
50 University of California- San Diego 4.45
51 Concordia University 4.44
52 University of Colorado- Boulder 4.43
53 Washington University- Saint Louis 4.42
54 University of Pennsylvania 4.40
55 Yale University 4.38
56 Virginia Tech 4.37
57 Penn State- University Park 4.36
58 Case Western Reserve 4.35
59 University of Missouri- Rolla 4.34
60 University of Massachusettes- Amherst 4.32
61 Syracuse University 4.30
62 Michigan State University 4.28
63 University of Notre Dame 4.27
64 University of Pittsburgh 4.26
65 Iowa State University 4.25
66 North Carolina State University 4.24
67 University of Washington 4.22
68 Texas A&M University- College Station 4.21
69 Southern Methodist University 4.20
70 University of California- Davis 4.18
71 Duke University 4.17
72 State University of New York- Stoney Brook 4.15
73 University of Tennessee- Knoxville 4.13
74 Arizona State University 4.11
75 University of Kansas 4.10
76 University of Hawaii- Manoa 4.08
77 Texas Tech University 4.07
78 Colorado State University 4.06
79 State University of New York- Buffalo 4.05
80 University of Utah 4.04
81 US Air Force Academy 4.03
82 University of Iowa 4.02
83 City University of New York- City College 4.01
84 University of Connecticut 4.00
-- Unranked US Institutions* Universite du Quebec- Trois Riveres 3.81
-- Unranked US Institutions*
-- Unranked US Institutions*
-- Unranked US Institutions* University of Regina1 3.49
-- Unranked US Institutions*
-- Unranked US Institutions*
-- Unranked US Institutions* Simon Fraser University2 3.06
-- Unranked US Institutions*
-- Unranked US Institutions*
-- Unranked US Institutions* University of Victoria 2.99
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