
发表:2006-01-13 22:54
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俄罗斯米格飞机制造集团(RSK MiG)的专家,已订约提供技术上的协助给中国设计机构,称增强J-10机身是一个合理的步骤,战斗机最初想要采用以色列Lavi飞机所使用的动力,紧凑的普拉特&惠特尼PW1120发动机,视为J-10的一种基础。


在2005 年后期,中国用于购买第二批AL-31FN发动机下了USD300百万(3亿美元)订单;这些是Su-27战斗机的AL-31F衍生型用于单发战斗机,齿轮箱位于下面位置。在开始,它被认为合同用于采购与2001-02年提供的第一批54台单位相同的发动机,已经安装到发展原型和初期生产的J-10。然而,AL-31FN制造商莫斯科机器生产厂(MMPP)Salyut公司在2005年12月透露了订购的是AL-31FN M1型,声称是一种新的AL-31FN生产规格。


China working on 'Super-10' advanced fighter

by Henry Ivanov JDW Correspondent


China is developing an advanced version of the Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation (CAC) J-10 multirole fighter aircraft, referred to as the Super-10, with a more powerful engine, thrust-vector control, stronger airframe and passive phased-array radar, according to Russian sources.

Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG (RSK-MiG) specialists, contracted to provide technical assistance to Chinese design houses, said the enhancement to the J-10 airframe is a logical step, since the fighter was initially intended to have the compact Pratt&Whitney PW1120 engine that powered the Israeli Lavi aircraft, which served as a basis for the J-10.

However, the imposition of US export restrictions forced the decision to install the 20 per cent heavier Russian AL-31FN engine, which requires a larger intake as it needs 40 per cent more air flow.

In late 2005 China placed a USD300 million order for a second batch of AL-31FN engines; these are a derivative of the Su-27's AL-31F for single-engine aircraft, with a lower positioning of the gearbox. At first, it was believed the contract was for the same engines as in the first batch of 54 units supplied in 2001-02 and installed into development prototypes and initial production J-10s. However, AL-31FN-maker Moscow Machine Production Plant (MMPP) Salyut in December 2005 revealed the order to be for the AL-31FN M1, which is claimed to be a new AL-31FN production standard.

The company's general manager, Yuri Eliseyev, said the new engine was purposely developed for what he referred to as the "Chinese Super-10 fighter". Four such engines have been seen assembled at MMPP Salyut's Moscow production site. One of these has been demonstrated undergoing fire testing, during which its swivel nozzle was deflected up/down and sideways at full power and reheated thrust.

JDW Jan 11, 2006: Super J-10 Fighter

The J-10 was originally designed to use the Zhemchug, a mechanically scanned slotted array by Phazotron, but some critical components were made impossible to copy.

The other Bureau, Tikhomirov, recently resumed a working relationship with the PLAAF, after having submitted an early prototype of their Pero in the late 90s but with no followup by the Chinese. They are now submitting a derivative of the Pero (is this the Panda?). The Pero was originally designed for use on the Su-30KN.

Recall the recent large order for engines in late 2005. Most observers assumed it was for more of the AL-31FN, but this is not so. It was for a new engine, the AL-31FN-M1. The M1 features an enlarged fan with inlet diameter of 924 mm instead of 902 mm, which improved thrust from 122.6kN to 132.4 kN. Also features a swivel nozzle developed by Salyut in conjunction with Zavod imeni Klimova. Similar to the KliVT used on the RD-33OVT of the Mig-29OVT- it's improved over the IAF's Su-30MKI in that it deflects in BOTH pitch and yaw, rather than pitch only.

Expected to have a MTBF of 1000 hours, the requirement set by the PLAAF (which perhaps will also be the MTB of the WS-10A, if and when it enters service), and a lifetime of 2000 hours. Future upgrades include the M2 and M3, with the M3 having a new cooling system, combustor, and LP compressor that boost thrust to 142.2 kN, and give it a longer lifetime.


J10最初计划使用珍珠雷达 ,费佐特龙公司的一种机械扫描平板缝隙阵列雷达,但有些评论认为该雷达部件中国无法仿制.


回想起2005年晚些时候发动机的大量定购.许多观察家认为很可能是AL31FN,但事实并非如此.这是一种新的发动机AL-31FN-M1.M1的特征是加大进口风扇直径(由902MM增加到924MM),推力由122.6KN增加到132.4KN.其它的特征是一个由礼炮联合体和克里莫夫合作的全向矢量喷管,类似于克里莫夫用于米格 29OVT的发动机RD33OVT的喷管,该喷管在印度空军的苏30MKI基础上做了改进,能作俯仰和偏航的偏转而不仅仅是苏30MKI的俯仰偏转


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