
发表:2007-07-10 15:25
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Ex-Chinese diplomat reveals Chinese regime’s overseas scheme Former Chinese diplomat ChenYonglin says the Chinese regime's foreign mission is an extension of domestic oppression.Chen addressed the public in Vancouver with documentations showing the regime's  ploys to influence and control western perception of China through overseas Chinese language media and through student and community groups acting as front organizations. The purpose he said is to discredit and intimidate five target groups: Tibetan exiles, Taiwainese, Uighur Muslims, democracy activists and Falun Gong practitioners.Chen served as the first secretary of the consulate in Sydney and headed up the consulate's political department, which was responsible for taking the lead in combating the five groups. Chen described several methods that the Chinese regime used to control overseas media. One is to have media publish content from Mainland Chinese media. Another is to directly invest or set up fully controlled media. Chen offered as an example the nine state-owned television channels from mainland China that were recently approved by CRTC to broadcast in Canada."In retrospect of my life as a diplomat, I was different from those western diplomats. I was not serving our country or the people. I stood against the people," said Chen. He defected in May 2005 saying his conscience forbade him from doing the work, which he says included spying on Australians in the five groups and interfering in their activities. According to Chen, many high-ranking Chinese officials and diplomats have fled from the regime's control. Family members of former CCP leader Jiang Zemin and current top leader Zeng Qinghong have obtained immigration IDs in Australia. All of these signaled a sign of the regime’s collapse. Chen said "The regime is unstable but it won't step down from the stage of history and apologize to the people for their wrongdoings. If everyone speaks up and does not cooperate with them, we can predict that it will collapse very soon.”

前中共外交官揭中共海外机密前中共外交官陈用林说中共的外交政策是国内镇压的延续。在温哥华演讲会上,陈用林揭示了中共在海外通过中文媒体和华人团体及留学生组织来影响和控制西方主流社会,以达到其打压的目的。陈用林表示,中共在海外主要打压五类人士,他们分别是西藏人士,台湾人士,新疆维权人士,民运人士和法轮功学员。陈用林曾是中共驻悉尼领事馆一级秘书主管政治处事务,即负责打压五类人士的工作。陈用林还披露了中共在海外操控中文媒体的方式。一种是让媒体直接发表大陆官方媒体的文章,另外直接投资媒体或者兴办他们全面掌控的媒体。他说,最近在加拿大批准落地的九个电视频道就是一例。陈用林说,“回顾我的外交生涯,我这个外交官和西方的外交官是两样的,不是为了国家的利益和人民的利益,而是站在人民的对立面。”他说监视和骚扰五类人士的工作违背了他的良知,他在2005年5月逃离中共领事馆。陈用林介绍说,目前出逃的官员非常多,其中包括使馆的参赞,甚至有高级代表团的成员。江泽民和曾庆红的家属在澳大利亚都已经拿到了移民身份。陈用林说, 中共已经很不稳定, (录音)“但是它不会自动退出历史舞台, 向人民谢罪。如果我们每个人都发出声音,不与它合作,我们可以预见它很快就会崩溃。”

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