This picture (below) was taken in the countryside of Peru in a camping area. There was total darkness when this picture was taken and the flash from the camera was the only thing that illuminated this picture. Therefore, no one saw this creature (brightened close-up, also below) hanging out in this tree looking down ateveryone.
My wife being Peruvian tells me that people in these areas of the country always talk about seeing goblins. I'm from Puerto Rico, so I believe that this could be the Chupacabras. This is probably the best picture I have ever seen. Take a good look!!! Is this a Goblin??, The Chupacabras??? or a fake? One of the guys in the background is my wife's cousin and he affirms that this is not a hoax.
--Esteban Arias
Cajamarca, Peru
见不见到树上挂着的这个"东西"呀? 这个叫树妖,也就是俗称的魔神仔。
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