Like many a lady of a certain age, Tiki feels the cold these days. So workers at the Oakland Zoo are having a custom-fit coat made to keep the giraffe cozy this winter.
At age 18, venerable for giraffes, Tiki is subject to the vicissitudes of age. She already gets regular visits from a chiropractor, a masseuse and an acupuncturist. Those are accepted treatments for horses, and provide a gentle way to treat animals without drugs, said zoo keeper Melissa McCartney.
However, coping with the effect of Bay Area winter chills on the African mammal had baffled keepers. At 13 feet tall, Tiki is too big to be herded into a stall, and regular horse blankets are too ill-fitting to be left on without supervision lest she get in a tangle.
The zoo staff got in touch with a horse-blanket designer who agreed to donate her services to tailor a coat for Tiki. To get precise measurements for the tailoring, McCartney had to scramble up a ladder. The result? A 40 extra, extra long.
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