紫藤(彩墨) 29×90 cm
"Your house has good fortune-It is adorned with violet mist." I very much like to add this sentence when I am helping students paint clothing. I don't know who thought up the sentence, but it looks very auspicious on a painting.
When the wisteria blooms in early spring, and the tips of vines have small tender leaves, the masses of purple blossoms look like clouds. The pleasingly misty look of the wisteria often induces passers-by to stop and take a good look.
Wisteria blooms again towards the end of summer. Although the flowers are fewer at that time, they are still very attractive. I feel that even the most beautiful flowers need leaves to set them off, so I usually paint some leaves, too.
紫藤(彩墨) 29×90 cm (局部)
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