Witnessed by Heaven and Earth
On the Rally for Commemorating the Eleventh Anniversary of the April 25 Appeal
Yanjun Sun
Dear Guests, Friends, Ladies, and Gentlemen:
In this historical moment, I feel very privileged to join this magnificent rally for commemorating the 11th anniversary of the April 25 Appeal. I would like to share my thoughts with you as we work together toward the grand revival of the human civilization.
On this day last year, in this rally, Mr. Gao Dawei, the director of the Global Center for Quitting CCP, handed me the certificate for resigning from the Chinese Communist Party. Looking back, I feel quite fortunate. Time has really been flying, but that scene is still vivid in my mind. It is a moment that I will never forget in my life.
Looking back to the past year, I am very gratified to see that as a result of the joint effort of all the justice forces globally, the international situation has undergone profound changes. The Spanish National Court made a historical decision to indict chief culprit Jiang Zemin and four other Chinese Communist Party officials for the genocide and torture against Falun Gong practitioners; an Argentine judge indicted and ordered the arrest of Jiang and Luo for their roles in crimes against Falun Gong practitioners; the U.S. Congress Resolution 605 called for ending the persecution of Falun Gong. All these above, plus the several dozens of similar lawsuits being filed around the world, indicate that the international community has become increasingly aware of the persecution reality as well as the evil nature of the CCP, and more and more are now standing on the side of truth and justice. All the crimes committed against Falun Gong practitioners will be recorded, and in the near future, these criminals will be brought to justice and punished for their crimes. Nevertheless, we must face the current reality and clearly realize that the mad persecution and brutal suppression by the Communist regime against Falun Gong practitioners are still going on and even getting intensified. This proves once again that the evil nature of CCP will never change by a bit and we cannot have any dreams and illusions for the Communist tyranny.
The peaceful anti-persecution protest by Falun Gong practitioners does not only contain their kind wishes of ending the persecution. It also contains a compassionate message of helping all the people as well as a hope to revive the authentic human civilization. Humans have been able to live on this planet because of the existence of the common values of good and evil, beauty and ugliness, right and wrong, and so on. Confucius advocated the ideas of considering others and placing oneself in others’ shoes. Jesus had the similar saying of "love others as yourself." These are universal human values and are part of the original and genuine civilization of mankind. However, the evil cult of communism had mixed up right and wrong, and purposely led people to pursue ugliness and evil, instead of good and compassion. It is driving the human civilization into an abyss. As a result, Chinese people today are completely confused in choosing their faith. Since the Chinese Communist regime seized power in mainland China, it recklessly destructed traditional Chinese beliefs and openly trampled the universal moral values. It has brought a catastrophe to the ancient oriental civilization. In the current China, moral standards have been completely wiped off and this once a great land is falling into pieces. Even for those who managed to escape the Communist regime’s control and are now living in a free society, the long-time communist influence has left them with a dark mind and abnormal personality. Many are still struggling in pains and still cannot merge themselves into the normal society.
At the critical time for the survival of human civilization, Falun Dafa began to spread and has since been turning around the tide. Its principles are making the existence and development of mankind once again possible and have brought hope for the revival of human civilization. Eleven years ago, Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful and rational protest showed their great characters under the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, which gave a moral shock to the entire society in China. In the past eleven years of cultivation, Falun Gong practitioners have shown the world the boundless purity and beauty of Falun Dafa. Today, hosted by Falun Gong practitioners, Shen Yun Performing Arts is becoming one of the world’s most renowned shows with its incomparable artistic styles; Falun Gong practitioners’ compassionate minds have gained high praise and sincere trust from the international community; and Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful protest against persecution constitutes the world's most beautiful scenery. The diligently cultivating Falun Gong practitioners are spread in more than 100 countries. They are like the Udumbara flower that has blossomed all over the world, bringing the world endless fortune and showing the world their tremendous pure and beauty!
With the mad persecution of Falun Gong and the genocide against Falun Gong practitioners, it is becoming the most evil, ugliest, and darkest page in human history. This is also the biggest shame of today’s civilization. But good and evil will be repaid. With the mountainous sin, the Chinese Communist tyranny has exhausted all its energy while persecuting Falun Gong and is faced with the final collapse and destruction. On the other hand, the Falun Dafa’s dignity, compassion, holiness, and beauty, are witnessed by heaven and earth, and by all gods and humans! Falun Dafa will for sure guide human civilization to the road of revival, and will be passed on forever and ever!
Thank you!
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