Remarks by President Trump and President Macron of France in Joint Press Conference
特朗普总统和法国总统马克龙在联合新闻会上的讲话 2018年4月24日上午
PRESIDENT TRUMP: And I hope that we will be able to deal in a very open and honorable fashion with North Korea. I started a process, and when I did, everybody thought I was doing it absolutely wrong. But in the meantime, for 25 years, people have been dealing and nothing happened. And a lot is happening right now. I can tell you that, Jeff. A lot is happening. And I think it’s going to be very positive. And I hope it’s going to be very positive for North Korea and for South Korea, and Japan, and the rest of the world.
我希望我们能与朝鲜进行很开放和体面的交流。我发起这件事,最初每个人都认为我完全错了。同时,25年来人们一直在处理,但毫无结果。 而现在很多事发生了。 我可告诉你,杰夫。 很多事将要发生了。我认为这将是非常正面的。 我希望这是非常正面的,(无论是)对朝鲜、韩国、日本和世界其它地区来说。
But I am starting at a level that, frankly, I shouldn’t have had to start. This should have been worked out a long time ago. This should have been worked out many years ago. We were discussing that we shouldn’t be having this situation happen to the United States and the world. This should have been resolved by other Presidents and by other leaders of other countries a long time ago.
但,我开始了一个新的起点。坦率的说,这不该由我来开始。 这应该是早就解决的事情。这应该是在多年前就该解决的。我们曾讨论,我们不应该让这种情况发生在美国和世界。前任(美国)总统和其它国家领导人早该解决,是很早以前(就该解决的)。
With that being said, I think we’re doing very well. Meetings are being set up. And I want to see denuclearization of North Korea. A lot of concessions have already been made. We have made no concessions, despite some of the media saying that I’ve made concessions. I don’t — I haven’t even discussed a concession other than the fact that meeting is a great thing. And I’m sure that a lot of other people would have liked to have had the position we’re having.
也就是说,我想我们做得很好。 会议也定了。我要看到朝鲜无核化。(以前美国)已经做出了许多让步。我们可没做出任何让步,尽管一些媒体说我已做出让步。我没有,我甚至没有讨论过任何让步。 另外,会议(与金正恩的会议)是件大好事。我肯定很多其它人都希望有我们正拥有的地位。
I will say this: We put the strongest sanctions on a country that we ever have put on any country, by far. China, President Xi, has been very strong in helping us to solve this problem — in his case, at the border. He’s allowing very little to get through.
这么说吧,我们对(朝鲜)实施了史上最强硬的制裁,我们从没对其它任何国家实施过如此强硬的制裁。迄今为止(都没有)。中国,习主席一直非常有力的在帮助我们解决这个问题。对(习主席)而言,是在边界(方面)。 习主席只允许很少的(货物)进入朝鲜。
I think he’s doing that for a number of reasons. We have a very good relationship, and also it’s very important in terms of trade, because I do play the trade card. If you look at what’s happening with trade in China, it hasn’t been fair for many, many years to the United States, and we’re going to solve that problem. In fact, we’re having Secretary Mnuchin and a couple of other folks heading over to — Bob Lighthizer — heading over to China, at the request of China. They came here, as you know, last week. And we’re having very substantive discussions on trade.
But I think it all plays to the border and the fact that they have been extremely strong on the border and very little has gotten through, much to the surprise of a lot of people. And I believe the trade will work out, but I also think that China has never treated us with more respect than they have over the last short period of time that I’m President. I have a very excellent, as you know, relationship with President Xi. And I think that relationship is very important as to what’s happening with North Korea.
So the end result is, we’ll see. Maybe good things will happen and maybe we’re all wasting a lot of time. But hopefully it will be good for everybody concerned.
最终结果如何,我们将会看到。也许好事会发生,也许我们都浪费了很多时间。 但,希望对每个有关的人都有好处。
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