情境喜剧“菜鸟新移民”将在第6季结束之后全剧终,消息一出,女主角吴恬敏的反应又成焦点。(图片来源:Frazer Harrison / Getty Images)
“菜鸟新移民”(Fresh Off the Boat)2015年在美国广播公司(ABC)开播以来,现正播出第6季。美国媒体8日报导,消息证实,本剧第6季播完之后划下句点,最后一集2020年2月21日播出。
台裔女演员吴恬敏因本剧“虎妈”角色打开知名度,主演电影“疯狂亚洲富豪”(Crazy Rich Asians)、“舞娘骗很大”(Hustlers)。不过今年5月,“菜鸟新移民”宣告续拍第6季,吴恬敏发言引发小风波。
When I first started in this business, all I wanted to do was work as an actor. Especially in projects that paid money. It would be an added bonus if I got to work on something that was actually good and preferably not racist. A steady gig of any kind would’ve been beyond my wildest dreams. I would’ve been completely happy to be a funny neighbor or snarky co-worker. At the time, those were the kinds of roles that were available for folks like me, so I would’ve been fine with that. Then, Fresh Off The Boat came along, and it gave me all that and so much more. Aside from being a really great show made by incredibly talented people, it was also not racist! In fact, Fresh Off The Boat was the opposite. It was humanizing. It was hilarious and full of heart. It was groundbreaking. It was an Asian American family on television. For six seasons, I got to play a man of many dimensions: a loving father and husband, a friend, a boss… I got to laugh, to cry, to sing, to dance, to be a real human being. And to think I got paid in actual money! For something I would have happily done for free.* - - Thank you to Nahnatchka Khan, @chineseguy88, Jake Kasdan, @mreddiehuang, @20thcenfoxtv, @abcnetwork, Justin and Missy, Matt and Keith, our incredible writers, and the entire cast and crew for being the best humans. And most of all, THANK YOU TO THE FANS! . . (*To clarify, I would have done that first season for free. I would’ve needed to get paid for the remaining seasons. I have a family to feed.)
Randall Park(@randallpark)分享的贴文 于 PST 2019 年 11月 月 8 日 下午 2:13 张贴
“菜鸟新移民”除了捧红吴恬敏与男主角蓝道尔朴(Randall Park),同时也在美国电视史上写下纪录,它是以亚裔美国人为题材的最长寿电视情境剧。在此之前是1994年韩裔演员赵牡丹主演的“美国女孩”(All-American Girl)。
原标题:菜鸟新移民本季全剧终 吴恬敏没出声也被酸