一名在英国就学的台湾女留学生在《YouTube》发布一段4分22秒的全英文影音,要求谭德塞应该为不实的指控向台湾道歉!(图片来源:左/FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP/Getty Images 右/视频截图)
世卫组织(WHO)秘书长谭德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)8日记者会中,批评台湾过去3个月对他“人身攻击及种族歧视”,对此,台湾外交部严正声明此为“莫须有”,总统蔡英文也表达强烈抗议,一名台湾女留学生Vivi Lin也在《YouTube》发布一段4分22秒的影片,【An open letter to Dr Tedros 一封致予谭德塞博士的公开信】 ,全英文影音,要求谭德塞应该为不实的指控向台湾道歉!(相关阅读:谭德塞称台湾人身攻击 蔡英文首度回应)
正在英国攻读传染病学领域的台湾留学生Vivi Lin,过去也在多个国际医疗组织服务,听闻谭德塞博士对台湾的指控,表示“深感错愕及失望”。
Vivi Lin肯定的表示,谭德塞指控台湾“种族歧视”是莫须有,“台湾官方从未针对您(指谭德塞)及非洲人民,做出任何基于种族、文化或肤色的负面评论”,现在来自世界各地,要求谭辞职的连署,都非基于其种族及肤色。(相关阅读:谭德塞的黑记录曝光 处理霍乱不利遭挞伐)
“根据我们曾在非洲驻点过的医卫工作者指出,台湾正在协助史瓦帝尼建立临时医院,也同时在安排许多医疗用品援助。”Vivi Lin强调,台湾即便被世卫排除在外,也从未放弃对国际医疗贡献一己之力,积极帮助其他正受疫情影响的国家,抗疫成就有目共睹。
Vivi Lin反问谭德塞,怎能用简单几句谬误的指控,不负责任地向全世界污蔑台湾?且前几日,世卫组织才刚举办“疫情假讯息”研讨会,没想到研讨会才刚结束不久,谭德塞就带头不实指控台湾,真的非常讽刺,要求他必须向台湾道歉。
影片发布不到24小时已破9.4万人次点阅,网友纷纷转发分享,认为Vivi说得太好了,“这孩子不简单”、“真是台湾的骄傲”、“孩子,你很棒! 国人在此时更应保持君子风度。岐视从来都不是来自出身,肤色,种族。而是来自个人行为。 我是歧视他!但我歧视他的所作所为。”、“谭德塞要好好听听台湾女孩‘天使的声音’”。(相关阅读:偏袒北京料不到的后果 逾44万人要求谭德塞下台)
见到网友热烈的回响,Vivi Lin也在留言中再度呼吁:大家对于谭德塞博士的指控,可以生气,但请不要忘记我们坚守的进步价值与尊重多元!台湾可以温柔的反击💪💪💪 切记不可用歧视性与挑衅的语言,反而让有心之人有机会将我们引入圈套。
【An open letter to Dr Tedros一封致予谭德塞博士的公开信】
This is an open letter to Dr Tedros,the Director General of the WHO,in response to the accusations against Taiwan during the 8th of April WHO press conference.
Dear Dr Tedros,
I am Vivi Lin from Taiwan,a current undergraduate student studying Infectious Diseases in the UK.
我是Vivi Lin,一位目前正在英国念传染病的台湾大学生。
Upon hearing your response in the press conference today,I was utterly shocked and saddened that such misleading allegations could come from asupposedly respected health professional and the head of the world’s most influential international health organisation.
As astudent who has been working closely with Taiwanese and British Medical and Health-related NGOs,I can affirm that there has never been any disrespectful comments from our government and our diplomats towards you and the African continent due to race,culture or skin colour.
I am aware that there are various petitions online urging for your resignation from the WHO.However,none of the requests or criticisms were based on discriminations against your race or skin colour,nor people from the African continent.
Taiwan has been striving to contribute as much as possible to the international community and to be apart of the global team in combating this pandemic.Although we have been excluded from the WHO,we have never given up.Our government has done an exemplary job in containing the virus,a feat that has been praised by officials and health professionals from all around the world.And now,as we have some spare capacity,we are sending aid to our allies and other countries,including those in America,Europe and in Africa who have been harshly impacted by the outbreak.
According to our health professionals who used to work closely with various countries in Africa,a temporary hospital has been built by Taiwan in Eswatini at the moment,and some important medical supplies sent by Taiwan are finding their way to Africa as well.
With all the aforementioned in mind,how can you,in afew sentences,attempt to smear Taiwan’s reputation with such irresponsible and false accusations?
In the past two days,WHO hosted webinars in regards to how we,as individuals or as health professionals and officials,should confront the current info-demic.Ironically,just right after the webinar,Dr Tedros,as the DG of the WHO,was accusing Taiwan with misinformation.
I firmly believe that health is afundamental human right that should not be denied despite differences of any kind.Health for all,leave no one behind is also the core value that the WHO stands for.Please do not forget your dedication as apublic health professional and the vows that you made when you ascended to the honorable position you are sitting at right now-health of people in the world comes first,not politics.
We are now facing the most challenging health crisis of our time.Taiwan cares about people’s health.We are willing to help,and we are helping now.Taiwan is acountry that stands for progressive values,and we,as the Taiwanese people,are also known for our appreciation for diversity.We have never criticised you nor your actions based on your race,culture or skin colour.
I,on behalf of my beloved country and people,am now asking for an apology from you under the current circumstance.
Thank you for your time.
Vivi Lin
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