
  • 1楼
    完成作业须起早摸黑very very true, I myself hold some higher educational instutition diplomS, so I know how hard education can be--during the colleges and university studying years, I totally Don't Know "Who's Who, or, What's What" for I could never, ever get involving with anything and/or anyone other than studying, studying, and studying!!! I treated my ex-husband's demon parents like they had already died! Exactly the same way I treated my ex-husband, the pigshit criminal Marc Cain. They totally didn't understand me, they kept saying, "Oh, Elaine can spend tons of times, and can spend endless of time on those boring books and computers, but totally have no time at all for us? why is that?"

    From my very personal educational experience, I testify, 完成作业须起早摸黑--it's true! So very true!!!

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  • 2楼
    1257005674000 2