李大勇:替天行道 解體中共行動決議


(2007年7月20日上午10點 - 12點,華府 華盛頓紀念碑 北面廣場)


從最近在中國貴州省發現的有兩億七千萬年歷史的「中國共產黨亡」的巨石,到剛剛在美國華盛頓落成的「共產主義受難者紀念碑」;從歐洲議會通過的譴責共產主義罪行的決議報告,到全球已經開始的抵制中共舉辦奧運的「人權聖火」接力。從2004年「九評共產黨」的發表,到前天在美國國會山的國會議員對九評引發的退黨浪潮的討論;從遍及中國各地貼出的「天滅中共」」退黨保命」標語,到今天蓬勃發展的2400萬退黨浪潮,到今天現場的集體退黨和解體中共的演講。一幅天滅中共的巨幅畫卷已經橫空展開。天人合一,在這裡「天意」和「民心」是如此的合一。既然如此,那麼我們就「替天行道解體中共」吧。在結束今天的退黨國際集會前,全球退黨服務中心推出「替天行道 解體中共行動決議」,呼籲廣泛支持, 加速中共解體。

替天行道 解體中共行動決議




為此,我們自己和幫助親友或組織成員,認清中共邪惡,系統參與傳播九評,幫助三退。 《九評》直接消滅中共邪靈;退黨是中共解體的步伐。





Help Heaven to Exercise Tao—Resolution to Disintegrate the Chinese Communist Party

Li Dayong---Executive Director of Global Service Center for Quitting the Communist Party;
Founder of Future China Forum

July 20, 2007, 10 am -12 noon, Washington Monument, DC

Greetings, my friends; greetings to everyone and especially fellow Chinese who are now watching this rally via the Internet: thank you for your participation as all of us serve as witnesses during this historic time.

Since the discovery of a giant rock imprinted with the words 「Chinese Communist Party destroyed」, dated as 270 million years old in Guizhou Province, a Memorial to the Victims of Communism was unveiled in Washington D.C. The Council of Europe passed a resolution condemning the crimes committed by totalitarian communist regimes, and Human Rights Olympic Torch has been lit around the world. Some US Congressmen’s discussion on the wave of withdrawal from the Communist Party took place as banners that read 「quit the Party and save yourself」 are sprouting up all over China. 24 million people have quit the Communist Party and its affiliated organizations, for which we are celebrating today through group withdrawals and speeches foretelling the collapse of the Party. Ancient Chinese philosophy talks about the oneness of heaven’s will and people’s will; well, the two have never been in greater harmony than they are now. So, let us carry out heaven’s will by disintegrating the Chinese Communist Party! The Global Service Center for Quitting the Communist Party proposes 「Justice Shall Prevail—Resolution to Disintegrate the Chinese Communist Party」, and we are calling for wide support to speed up this process.

Justice Shall Prevail—Resolution to Disintegrate the Chinese Communist Party

WHEREAS, Chinese Communist Party has killed more than 80 million people and inflicted tremendous and ongoing catastrophe on the Chinese civilization and natural environment; and

WHEREAS, Chinese Communist Party’s nature as an evil specter against heaven, earth and mankind has led it to persecute Truth Compassion Tolerance, harvest and sell the organs of living Falun Gong practitioners and has since turned itself into a synonym for vice and corruption. This totalitarian regime not only imposes violence on the Chinese people but also creates widespread terror and moral corruption; and

WHEREAS, divine principles forbid the existence of the Chinese Communist Party, we will 「enforce justice on behalf of heaven」 and together fulfill the sacred mission of disintegrating the Chinese Communist Party;

THEREFORE, we, our families, friends and supporters will learn about the crimes committed by the Party, systemically participate in the effort to spread Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and help people quit the Party. The Nine Commentaries directly eliminates the Party, an evil specter, and quitting the Party is the step we take to disintegrate the Party; and

THEREFORE, we, our families, friends and supporters will destroy all books, paintings and statues associated with the Communist Party, as well as all Communist Party flags and emblems, and take down the signs of Communist Party committees on all levels and leave no space for the Party to survive; and

THEREFORE, we, our families, friends, supporters, and especially civil rights protesters will not believe the Communist Party, cling to illusions regarding the Communist Party, cooperate with the Communist Party, and we will disintegrate the Communist Party on all levels by taking advantage of our unique strengths as individuals; and

THEREFORE, we will expose the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party to the international society, give advice and prevent deception by the Chinese Communist Party’s financial interest and chameleon acts, and help the world recognize the Chinese Communist Party as the single largest terrorist organization and stand on the right position of the history.

Disintegration of the Chinese Communist Party reflects the solemnity of the heavenly principle 「goodness is rewarded and evildoing is punished」; disintegration of the Chinese Communist Party is the inevitable path for the Chinese race to gain revival from its current rapid moral decline. We call on all political parties, organizations, social groups, religious groups, and armed forces in China except the Communist Party to join the action to disintegrate the Chinese Communist Party; let us form an unprecedentedly united front and recreate the glory of our civilization.

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