中共肺炎疫情持續升溫,WHO一直屈從於北京當局,刻意矮化臺灣,不讓臺灣列席成為觀察員,導致臺灣的名稱一再被更改,終於在許多友邦國齊聲協助下,能以「Taipei」名稱,在線上參與會議。知名Youtuber「阿滴英文」,在10日推出的最新影片「An open letter to the World Health Organization(from TAIWAN)」,阿滴以全英文方式喊話WHO,希望WHO能正視臺灣人民需求,而這段影片感動人心,也讓總統蔡英文讚賞轉發。
總統蔡英文轉發阿滴影片表示,「把臺灣人的聲音傳達給全世界!」 (圖片來源:中央社圖fl11fl)
Hello Internet,my name is Ray,I'm aYouTuber from Taiwan,and this is an open letter to the World Health Organization。
Dear WHO,I'm not sure if you've noticed,but a lot of your members have been voicing support for the inclusion of Taiwan in the WHO。
Since the novel coronavirus outbreak was designated as aglobal health emergency,core WHO members and their heads of state and officials,including Justin Trudeau,Shinzo Abe,7 American senators,and the European Union(and more),have called on you to grant at the very least observer status to Taiwan。Having said that,I feel like as aTaiwanese citizen,it's imperative that we also speak up for ourselves。
Disease knows no boundaries。Taiwan's participation in the WHO is crucial not just to Taiwan but also to the world。A concerted,global effort is the only way to ensure the health and welfare of everyone。The coronavirus that began in Wuhan,China,has already spread to other regions and countries,excluding Taiwan could make it a"blind spot"in the international response to the disease。
But we're not just here playing the victim here,Taiwan can help。Taiwan's healthcare system is lauded as among the best in the world,and our medical standards are generally on par with top global countries。The inclusion of Taiwan in world health assemblies and events would enable it to share its invaluable experiences in combating SARS,Ebola and other pandemics,helping countries around the world,including China。With our universal health coverage,health emergency response,and professional medical training,Taiwan can benefit the world。
Now you might say,Taiwan's already represented by China in the WHO,but Taiwan's geological separation and its independent disease control system and air traffic management provide further justification to why the WHO must take different approaches to Taiwan and China amid the coronavirus outbreak。
Also,given our proximity,Taiwan is at the very frontline battling this coronavirus from China,and we are skilled,determined,and equipped with past experiences combating different viruses。Excluding us is putting close to 24 million lives and the global population at risk。
As a Taiwanese,as a member of the global community,I am asking you on behalf of the world to include Taiwan。By allowing our participation in the WHO,you will be realizing the organization's vision of health as abasic human right and health for all without exception。Thank you for your time。
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【誠徵榮譽會員】溪流能夠匯成大海,小善可以成就大愛。我們向全球華人誠意徵集萬名榮譽會員:每位榮譽會員每年只需支付一份訂閱費用,成為《看中國》網站的榮譽會員,就可以助力我們突破審查與封鎖,向至少10000位中國大陸同胞奉上獨立真實的關鍵資訊, 在危難時刻向他們發出預警,救他們於大瘟疫與其它社會危難之中。