一頁臉書促天變 網路開闢新紀元 (圖)

發表:2011-02-09 00:17
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It』 s been nearly two weeks since the Egyptian people urge President Mubarak to step down. The incident that got the world』s attention started from several Egyptian youngsters and their webpage on Facebook. Why could a spark on the Internet bring about a social change? Does the Internet era really change people』s life?Let』s take a look.

Facing Mubarak』s deliberate delay of giving up power,The youth groups in Egypt announced forming an alliance on Feb.6, and brought out 7 requests.In addition to Mubarak』s stepping down, they want to dissemble the congress and abolish the curfew that』s been in place for decades.The Arabic, European, and American nations are all in support of the Egyptian people.

The incident started from several young people,who, on Facebook, called for the Egyptians to go to the streets on Jan. 25, requesting Mubarakwho』s been in power for 30 years, to step down.Several thousand people responded at the beginning.It soon grew to 8 million within 10 days and shocked the world.

U.S. based activist, student leader in 1989, Tang Baiqiao said, it seems that the Internet age has changed people』s life. The new era of globalization has come.

Tang Baiqiao: 「With conventional media, it』s impossible to get support from human rights organizations and social forces in the world. It won』t give the totalitarians a huge pressure, either.It』s a great historic moment, a new era
and new beginning. The Internet has provided a new way of life to the world.」

In mainland China, the Communist regime has put ina huge amount of money into Internet blockade, with the Golden Shield Project and Green Dam Software. But the Internet has empowered individuals to becomeindependent media. For example, China』s mostpopular blogger Han Han has quite some influence.

Several days ago, when the watch, the key evidence in Qian Yunhui』s case, was found, China』s 7000 media,under the control of the Propaganda Department,
were reporting in the same tone. However, Han Han』s article challenging the official conclusion has over 300,000 hits.It was reprinted for numerous times.

The U.S. based DIT Inc. has developed software to break the Internet blockade called 「Five Musketeers,offering mainland Chinese free use of 「UltraReach」
「Dynaweb」 「Garden」 「GPass」 and 「FirePhoenix.」They are embraced by Chinese people as well asthe Iranians.

Bill Xia, president of DIT Inc. said:「There are about several million frequent users.The number is increasing. We see the trend that many netizens openly challenge the censorship. People are thinking over the crimes the Communist
Party has committed.

Tang Baiqiao said, the Internet has helped Chinese people, in their pursuit for freedom, getting supportfrom the world.


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