But as you know, Germany is at 1 percent. They should be at 2 percent. And they’re not getting there fast. We have 52,000 troops in Germany. We’ve had them there for a long, long time. So we’d be, probably, moving a certain number of troops to Poland if we agree to do it.
Poland is going to build a phenomenal facility in a very good location.
Q So you’re not totally convinced that you want to do this?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We haven’t totally made up a decision. No. We haven’t finalized anything, but the facility itself would be world class.
Q Would you like this facility to be named “Fort Trump?”
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, that’s up to them. I have nothing to do with naming it.
Q What do you think?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Fort Trump.” That’s all I need, “Fort Trump,” and you people would have a field day with that, right? (Laughs.) No, that’s up to them. They can name it whatever they want.
川普總統:「川普堡。」這就是我所需要的,「川普堡」,你們的人會有一個開工日,對嗎? (笑)不,這取決於他們。他們可以命名他們所要的名字。
Yes, sir.
Q Thank you for allowing us to ask questions.
Q Can you comment about — your speech in Poland was brilliant, so thank you very much.
問:您能評論一下 - 您在波蘭的演講很精彩,非常感謝您。
Q Can you comment —
您能否評論 -
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Did everybody hear that? No. (Laughter.)
Thank you.
Q Can you — a question — an open question: Can you comment about the energy cooperation? I understand that there is (inaudible).
問:您可以 - 一個問題 - 一個懸而未決的問題:您能評論一下能源合作嗎?我知道那有一個(聽不清楚)。
PRESIDENT TRUMP: So, energy is a tremendous asset that we have. Since I’m President, we became the largest energy producer in the world. And we now are shipping a lot of energy offshore and to different countries. Vietnam just made a tremendous purchase of coal from West Virginia. We’re a tremendous energy producer now in all forms of energy. And it’s actually, within a year — especially if I get certain pipelines built — it won’t even be close. We’ll be double what other countries are.
川普總統:所以,能源是我們擁有的巨大財富。自從我擔任總統以來,我們成為了世界上最大的能源生產國。而且我們現在向海外和不同國家運送大量能源。越南剛從西弗吉尼亞州大量購買了煤炭。我們現在是各種形式能源的巨大能源生產者。事實上,在一年之內 - 特別是如果我建立了某些油氣管道 - 它(這些國家)甚至都不會接近(我們的規模)。我們將是其它國家的兩倍。
It used to be Saudi Arabia and Russia; now it’s United States, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. So we’ve made tremendous strides.
Poland is buying a lot of LNG. It’s going to buy billions and billions of dollars’ worth of LNG from us, and we appreciate that.
Q Is it the result of a common initiative, Mr. President?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: That’s right.
Q Mr. President, will you use sanctions to block Nord Stream II — the pipeline from Germany to Russia? From Russia to —
問:總統先生,您是否會使用制裁來阻止Nord Stream II - 從德國到俄羅斯的管道?從俄羅斯到 -
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, we’re looking at it. Look, people have a right to do what they want to do. I think it’s a — you know, something that I’ve been looking at and I’m thinking about. And I’m the one that brought up the pipeline problem where you have Russia giving a tremendous percentage of energy. You know this gas is going into Germany. I say, “How can you do that?” So, we’re protecting Germany from Russia. And Russia is getting billions and billions of dollars of money from Germany. I’m the one that brought up the problem.
川普總統:嗯,我們正在關註它。看,人們有權做自己想做的事。我認為這是一個 - 你知道,我一直在關註的一些事物,我正在考慮這些事物。而且我是那個提出管道問題的人,你讓俄羅斯提供巨大比例的能源。你知道汽油進入德國。我說,「你怎麼能這樣做?」所以,我們保護德國免受俄羅斯的侵害。俄羅斯正從德國獲得數十億美元的資金。我是那個提出這個問題的人。
With that being said, I hope they get along. But Russia is paying 1 percent, as I said. They’re not paying 2 percent. They should be paying much more — Germany. That Germany is paying 1 percent; they should be paying 2 percent. They should really be paying more than that. But we’ll see how that works out.
話雖如此,我希望他們相處融洽。但正如我所說,俄羅斯(註:應為德國)支付1%(北約軍費)。他們沒有支付2%。他們應該付出更多 - 德國。德國支付1%;他們應該支付2%。他們確實應該付出更多的費用。但是我們會看看最後如何解決。
No, I think this: We have something much better. We have tremendous LNG — liquefied natural gas. And a lot of the European countries are wanting it, including yourselves. I mean, tremendous amounts are being sold to different places all over the world, but also to Europe. And I think that’s really the way, if they want to spend a tremendous amount of money.
不,我認為:我們有更好的東西。我們擁有巨大的液化天然氣 - 液化天然氣。很多歐洲國家都正在想要它,包括你自己。我的意思是,大量的天然氣銷往世界各地,也銷往歐洲。如果他們想花大筆錢,我認為這就是很現實的方式。
I do think this: And I would say, hopefully, nothing will happen. Nothing negative. Hopefully, we’re going to have a great relationship with Russia, great relationship with China and with Germany, and everybody else. But I do think that Germany is putting themselves at a tremendous disadvantage when 50, 60, or 70 percent of their energy is being supplied by Russia. I don’t know how you can do it.
Q (Inaudible) you have the power to block the pipeline. You can just put sanctions.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, Germany — no, no, let me explain it differently. Germany has the power to block it. You know how they block it? By not buying it. I mean, Germany made a decision to buy a tremendous percentage of their energy from Russia. Germany — whether they should be doing that or not, they’re the ones that have the power to block it.
川普總統:德國 - 不,不,讓我以不同的方式解釋。德國有權阻止它。你知道他們是怎麼阻止它的嗎?不買它。我的意思是,德國決定從俄羅斯購買他們(所需)的大比例的能源。德國 - 他們是否應該這樣做,他們是有能力阻止它的人。
They shouldn’t buy it. Or, if they want to, they can. But that’s really a decision of Germany. I’m not saying that I would be in favor. I think the German people aren’t very happy about it. Because it really makes Germany a hostage of Russia if things ever happened that were bad. Hopefully that will never be — happen.
他們不應該買它。或者,如果他們願意,他們可以。但這確實是德國的決定。我不是說我會贊成。我認為德國人民對此並不十分滿意。因為它確實會使德國成為俄羅斯的人質,如果發生什麼事情的話,這很糟糕。希望永遠不會 - 發生。
Okay. Go ahead.
Q Your comments to — your reaction to new comments by Iran. Rouhani is saying Iran will not start a war but will defend itself if attacked.
問:您的意見 - 您對伊朗的新評論的反應。魯哈尼說伊朗不會發動戰爭,但如果遭到襲擊,將會自衛。
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I would think they would.
Q Your response? What do you think of that?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Sure. I would think they would. I hope they defend themselves.
Q What do you think of that? Does that increase the chances of coming to the table?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I would think they would defend themselves. Iran is not the same country. When I became President, Iran was a terror all over the world. They had just made this horrible deal for the United States — the Iran Nuclear Deal. And I became President and I terminated the deal. And Iran now is in chaos. It’s got a lot of problems. I don’t want them to be that way. But we’re stopping their oil. We’re stopping a lot of different things. We just stopped, two weeks ago, the steel, metals — all metals, all forms of metals.
川普總統:我認為他們會為自己辯護。伊朗不是同一個國家了。當我成為總統時,伊朗在全世界都是一種恐怖。他們剛剛為美國制定了這項可怕的協議 - 伊朗核協議。我成了總統,我終止了這筆交易。伊朗現在處於混亂狀態。這有很多問題。我不希望他們那樣。但我們正在停止他們的石油。我們阻止了很多不同的事情。兩週前,我們剛剛停止了鋼鐵,金屬 - 所有金屬,各種形式的金屬。
And, as you know, they have tremendous inflation. They have a lot of problems. I don’t want them to have problems. The problem could be solved, but you know what they have to do. And they didn’t do it properly. And the deal that President Obama made was a horrible deal. It was a horrible deal — $150 billion; $1.8 billion in cash. It was a horrible deal, and I terminated the deal very nicely. I terminated the deal.
而且,如你所知,他們有巨大的通貨膨脹。他們有很多問題。我不希望他們有問題。問題可以解決,但你知道他們必須做什麼。他們沒有做好。歐巴馬總統所達成的協議是一個可怕的協議。這是一筆可怕的交易 - 1500億美元;18億美元現金。這是一個可怕的交易,我很好地終止了這筆交易。我終止了這筆交易。
Since I terminated that deal, Iran is not the same country. But I — with all of it being said, hopefully we’ll able to get along with Iran. If we can, that’s great. And if we can’t, that’s great too.
自從我終止那個協議以來,伊朗就不是同一個國家了。但是我 - 儘管如此,希望我們能夠與伊朗相處。如果可以,那太好了。如果我們做不到,那也很棒。
Q Can I ask a question on Venezuela, please?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Venezuela is, obviously, in flux. It’s doing unbelievably badly. This was, Mr. President, one of the richest countries. Had tremendous oil, tremendous everything. It just shows you, when you have a bad system, it became a socialistic system, or worse. And now people don’t have food. They don’t have water. They don’t have anything. It’s a very sad thing. We’re watching Venezuela very closely.
Q You tweeted that Russia had told you that they were taking out a large part of their military. Russia has denied that. What is the situation right now? What do you know?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, let’s just see who’s right. You know what you’re going to do? You’re going to see in the end who’s right. Okay?
Q What do you know at this point?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: You just watch it. Okay? And we’ll see who’s right. Ultimately, I’m always right.
Yeah. Go ahead.
Q Sir, are you any closer to making the decision on meeting with Putin at the G20?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I’ll be meeting with Putin at the G20. I’ll be meeting with President Xi at the G20. I’ll be meeting with many of the leaders at the G20.
Q Are you going to have a lot of people in the room with you — national security officials?
問:您是否會在房間裡有很多人 - 國家安全官員?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, it’s probably easier because you people are so untrusting. So it’s probably better if I — would you like to be in the room? Okay?
川普總統:嗯,這可能比較容易,因為你們這些人是如此不信任。所以可能會更好如果我 - 你想進房間嗎?可以吧?
Q I would love to report on it.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Would you like to be? I can imagine you would be.
Q I would love — sir. Sir, I would love —
問:我很想 - 先生。先生,我很想 -
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I think it’s probably easier is we have people in the room because you people don’t trust anything.
Go ahead.
Q Mr. President, you established great cooperation with President Andrzej Duda. Can you comment about the program of First Ladies? They’ve been a great part of —
問:總統先生,您與安德烈•杜達總統建立了良好的合作關係。您能評論一下第一夫人們的節目(行程項目)嗎?他們是一個很好部分 -
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, the First Ladies know each other. They get along with each other. They’re going out to lunch right after this. Would you like to say something?
MRS. TRUMP: It is great to have them here again in the Oval Office and in the White House. And I’m looking forward to talking with Mrs. Duda about the children — what they’re facing in our country, what they’re facing in Poland — as we did the first time, and we will continue to do so.
川普夫人:很高興他們再次來到橢圓形辦公室和白宮。而且我期待著與杜達夫人談論這些孩子 - 他們在我們國家面臨的問題,以及他們在波蘭所面臨的一切 - 正如我們第一次做的那樣,我們將繼續這樣做。
Q Mr. President, when do you fulfill your promise to remove visa requirement for the Poles?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We’re looking at that, actually. We’re looking at that. That’s the kind of a relationship we have with Poland. We are looking very strongly at visa requirements, with respect to Poland.
Q When?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: We’ll know pretty soon. Something could happen.
PRESIDENT DUDA: We’ll talk about it during the press conference, but today a very important agreement between our government was signed — very important for the — for this —
杜達總統:我們將在新聞發布會上談這個問題,但今天我們政府之間簽署了一項非常重要的協議 - 對於這一問題(指剛才談到的)非常重要 -
Q — visa regime.
Q - 簽證制度。
Q Mr. President, can you say what your measurement for the success of your deal with Mexico would be? How will you know if the deal is working?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, because our country has been so successful over the last two and half years, it’s been incredible — our GDP numbers, our production numbers, our manufacturing employment numbers. We have the most people working in our country that we’ve ever had. We’re almost up to 160 million people. We’ve never been close.
And because the United States has become so successful, in terms of its economic and what it means — the economy of the United States — tremendous numbers of people are trying to come into our country. And I’m saying you can’t do that. You have to come in legally, and you have to come in through merit.
而且因為美國在經濟方面如此成功 - 美國的經濟 - 許多人都試圖進入我們的國家。我說你不能這樣做。你必須合法地進來,你必須通過業績進入。
Now, a lot of things are happening, but Mexico stepped up to the plate. Perhaps it was because of the tariffs. I would say “perhaps” being defined as 99 percent. But that doesn’t matter because the President of Mexico and I have a very, very excellent relationship. We spoke. His people were here for two and half, three days, working intensively on the agreement. And I think it’s going to mean a lot of — a lot fewer people coming up.
現在,很多事情正在發生,但墨西哥已經走上了台階,也許是因為關稅。我會說「也許」被定義為99%。但這並不重要,因為墨西哥總統與我的關係非常非常好。我們談過。他的人在這裡待了兩天半,三天,在協議上密切合作。而且我認為這意味著很多 – 越境的人減少很多。
You just can’t crash our borders like this. Mexico has very, very strong immigration laws. We have incompetent — we have the worst immigration laws, the dumbest laws anywhere in the world — anywhere in the world. There’s nothing close. But Mexico’s laws are as strong as they can be.
你不能這樣(過去的方式)毀掉我們的邊界。墨西哥有非常非常強大的移民法。我們的移民法無能為力 - 我們擁有世界上最糟糕的移民法,世界上最愚蠢的法律。兩者無法比。但墨西哥的法律已到了不可能更強大的地步。
Now, Mexico is moving 6,000 troops to their southern border. That’s a lot of troops. That’s a lot more — we never even heard of a number like that. That’s a lot of troops. But that’s what they want to do because they want to produce. I think Mexico really wants to produce. If Mexico does a great job, then you’re not going to have very many people coming up. If they don’t, then we have phase two. Phase two is very tough. But I think they’re going to do a good job.
現在,墨西哥正在向他們的南部邊境派出6000名士兵。這是很多軍隊。這還有很多 - 我們甚至從未聽說過這樣的數字。這是很多軍隊。但這就是他們想要做的,因為他們想要生產。我認為墨西哥真的想生產。如果墨西哥做得很好,那麼你就不會有很多人出現(在邊境)。如果他們不這樣做,那麼我們就有第二階段。第二階段非常強硬。但我認為他們會做得很好。
Now, with all of that being said, if the Democrats got together with me for 15 minutes, we could wipe out the loopholes and we wouldn’t need anything from anybody. But, right now, Mexico is helping us much more on immigration than the Democrats in the U.S.
Q What’s phase two, Mr. President? What’s phase two?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Phase two is a much tougher phase. Much tougher.
Q What’s it look like? Safe third country?
Q Mr. President, we know you have a special surprise for President Duda: F-35 flyover over the White House.
Q Can you elaborate a little bit more about that?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, at 1:55, we’re going to have the world’s greatest fighter jet — most advanced plane, probably, anywhere in the world beyond fighter jet; most advanced plane.
川普總統:嗯,在1點55分,我們將有世界上最強大的戰鬥機 - 最先進的飛機,可能超越世界上任何地方的噴氣戰機;最先進的飛機。
And at 1:55 to 2:00 — we have to hurry because we have to make it, so we’ll end with this question — we’re going to have two Super F-35s flying at a great rate of speed, and then they’re doing a second flyback. And I think they’re going to go straight up. So they’re going to put on a very small show for us, but it’s going to be something.
在1:55到2:00 - 我們必須快點,因為我們必須要做成,所以我們將以這個問題結束 - 我們將有兩架超級F-35以極快的速度飛行,並且然後他們進行第二次飛返。我認為他們會直接上升。因此,他們將為我們舉辦一場非常小的演出,但這將是一件(不一般)事。
And we’re doing that because Poland has ordered 32 or 35 brand new F-35s at the highest level and the latest model. And I congratulate you on that. That means you have good taste.
Q Mr. President, where does your respect for Poland come from, other than your visit to Poland?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, because the United States has a tremendous Polish population. They were very much in favor. They liked me and I like them, and a lot of them voted for Trump. And I’ve always loved the Polish people, and I’ve always respected the Polish people. They’re very, very hardworking and they’re smart. And they love their country and they love our country, too. So I’m always in favor of Poland.
Thank you, sir.
12:39 P.M. EDT
美東時間 下午12:39
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