美國著名專門報導情報圈消息的雜誌G2 Bulletin於3月下旬報導,英情報機構消息人士證實藏人稱西藏暴力被導演,作者為Gordon Thomas(戈登 托馬斯)。
維基百科 對Gordon Thomas的介紹,寫作53本書,總銷售量超過4千5百萬。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Thomas
戈登 托馬斯是新近出版的"秘密與謊言:美國中央情報局的意念控制和細菌戰的歷史(八開版,美國)和即將推出的"英國情報部門內幕"( JR書籍,英國)的作者。
阿波羅網人力有限,一直等待其它媒體翻譯後轉載。在很久沒有看到中文報導後,我們也因時間有限,拖了很長時間調查G2 Bulletin的情況,並盡最大努力準確翻譯這一報導。
G2 Bulletin為美國資深媒體工作者創辦,專門報導情報圈消息,不僅聞名西方世界世界,華文媒體從中共龍頭媒體中新網,海外親共媒體星島,到右派網都有引用報導。
中新網一篇報導稱G2 Bulletin為美國軍事雜誌,另一篇報導稱G2 Bulletin為美國一家以報導情報界秘聞而著稱的雜誌。星島的文章說專門報導情報界秘聞的網站"G2 Bulletin",由擁有三十年採訪經驗的美籍資深記者約瑟.法拉(Joseph Farah)成立。他也是網上報章WorldNetDaily(WND)的創辦人,每日為該報撰寫評論文章。右派網翻譯的G2 Bulletin報導中說,Gordon Thomas(戈登 托馬斯)是愛爾蘭籍專長國際情報的新聞工作者。
Sources at British Spy Agency Confirm Tibetan Claims of Staged Violence
LONDON-Britain's GCHQ, the government communications agency that electronically monitors half the world from space, has confirmed the claim by the Dalai Lama that agents of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the PLA, posing as monks, triggered the riots that have left hundreds of Tibetans dead or injured.
從太空中監視半個世界的英國情報中心(也有翻譯成政府通訊總部)已證實了達賴喇嘛的指稱,共軍成員假扮和尚,引發騷亂, 造成數以百計的藏族死傷。
GCHQ analysts believe the decision was deliberately calculated by the Beijing leadership to provide an excuse to stamp out the simmering unrest in the region, which is already attracting unwelcome world attention in the run-up to the Olympic Games this summer.
For weeks there has been growing resentment in Lhasa, Tibet's capital, against minor actions taken by the Chinese authorities.
Increasingly, monks have led acts of civil disobedience, demanding the right to perform traditional incense burning rituals. With their demands go cries for the return of the Dalai Lama, the 14th to hold the high spiritual office.
Committed to teaching the tenets of his moral authority-peace and compassion-the Dalai Lama was 14 when the PLA invaded Tibet in 1950 and he was forced to flee to India from where he has run a relentless campaign against the harshness of Chinese rule.
He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, the year of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
達賴於1989年, 也就是天安門大屠殺的那一年,獲得了諾貝爾和平獎。
But critics have objected to his attraction to film stars. Newspaper magnate Rupert Murdoch has called him: "A very political monk in Gucci shoes."
但批評者抨擊他影星似的吸引力。報業大亨默多克就稱他為: "一個穿著Gucci名牌鞋的非常政治性的和尚" 。
Discovering that his supporters inside Tibet and China would become even more active in the months approaching the Olympic Games this summer, British intelligence officers in Beijing learned the ruling regime would seek an excuse to move and crush the present unrest.
That fear was publicly expressed by the Dalai Lama. GCHQ's satellites, geo-positioned in space, were tasked to closely monitor the situation.
The doughnut-shaped complex, near Cheltenham racecourse, is set in the pleasant Cotswolds in the west of England. Seven thousand employees include the best electronic experts and analysts in the world. Between them they speak more than 150 languages. At their disposal are 10,000 computers, many of which have been specially built for their work.
The images they downloaded from the satellites provided confirmation the Chinese used agent provocateurs to start riots, which gave the PLA the excuse to move on Lhasa to kill and wound over the past week.
What the Beijing regime had not expected was how the riots would spread, not only across Tibet, but also to Sichuan, Quighai and Gansu provinces, turning a large area of western China into a battle zone.
The Dalai Lama has called it "cultural genocide" and has offered to resign as head of the protests against Chinese rule in order to bring peace. The current unrest began on March 10, marking the anniversary of the 1959 Uprising against Chinese rule.
達賴喇嘛稱其為"文化滅絕" ,並已提出辭去他的抗議中共統治的領袖職位,以換取和平。目前的這場不穩定始於3月10日, 1959年西藏起義反抗中共統治第49週年紀念日。
However, his followers are not listening to his "message of compassion." Many of them are young, unemployed and dispossessed and reject his philosophy of non-violence, believing the only hope for change is the radical action they are now carrying out.
不過,達賴的追隨者並沒有聽從他的"友善的信息". 他們中的許多人是一無所有的失業青年. 他們拒絕達賴的非暴力哲學,相信改變的唯一希望是他們現在進行的激進行動。
For Beijing, the urgent need to find a solution to the uprising is one of growing embarrassment. In two weeks time, the national celebrations for the Olympic Games start with the traditional torch relay. The torch bearers are scheduled to pass through Tibet. But the torch could find itself being carried by runners past burning buildings and temples.
對於北京政權來說,這個迫切尋求解決西藏起義問題的需要,是它越來越大的尷尬中的一個。 兩個星期後,全國的迎接奧運傳統火炬接力的慶祝活動即將開始。火炬接力預定要穿過西藏, 而火炬會發現它被接力的運動員拿著穿過燃燒的建築物和廟宇。
A sign of this urgency is that the Chinese prime minister has now said he is prepared to hold talks with the Dalai Lama. Just before this announcement, Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown declared he would meet the Dalai Lama, who is to visit London next month. This is the first time either leader has proposed to meet the Dalai Lama.
這一迫切需要的一個跡象是,中共總理現在表示,他願意同達賴喇嘛舉行會談。就在中共總理此公告之前,英國首相高登布朗宣布,他將會晤下個月訪問倫敦的達賴喇嘛。 這是第一次這兩個國家的領導人提出會見達賴喇嘛。
Gordon Thomas is the author of the newly published Secrets & Lies: A History of CIA Mind Control and Germ Warfare (Octavo Editions, USA) and the forthcoming Inside British Intelligence (JR Books, UK).
戈登托馬斯是新近出版的"秘密與謊言:美國中央情報局的精神控制和細菌戰的歷史(八開版,美國)和即將推出的"英國情報部門內幕"( JR書籍,英國)的作者。
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