1.這項職位是做什麼的?(What does the person in this job do?)
2.這項工作的要求是什麼?(What are the requirements of the job?)
1.這還有其它的工作嗎?(What other jobs are available here?)
2.我在這多久可以申請其它工作?(How soon could Iapply for another job here?)
3.我多久能晉升?(How quickly can Iget promoted?)
1.公司是幹什麼的?(What does this company do?)
2.公司成立多久?(How old is this company?)
3.主要競爭對手是誰?(Who's the main competition?)
1.我多久可以加薪?(How soon can Iget araise?)
2.我有多少帶薪假期?(How much paid vacation time would I get?)
3.我開始工作後,何時能放假?(How soon can Itake avacation after I start work?)
4.我的帶薪病假為多久?(How many paid personal and/or sick days are allowed?)
5.我進修培訓能免費嗎?(Will you pay for training or an advanced degree for me?)
6.你提供哪些福利?(What other benefits do you provide?)
1.你查推薦人嗎?(Do you check references?)
2.在僱用之前是否進行背景調查?(Do you conduct background checks before hiring someone?)
3.是否要求通過藥物測試?(Is passing adrug test required to be hired?)
4.在雇佣後,是否要進行藥物測試?多久測試一次?(Will Ineed to pass drug tests after I'm hired?How often?How much warning before the drug tests?)
5.是否提供產假或陪產假?(Do you offer maternity or paternity leave?)
1.是否有攝像頭監視?(Do you have security cameras watching everything I do?)
2.工作時間是否監視郵件使用或網頁瀏覽?(Do you monitor email use and web browsing when I'm at work?)
3.是否嚴查上工和下班時間?(Do you keep close track of when Iarrive and when I leave?)
4.是否有人檢查我的工作?(Does anyone check my work?What will they be looking for?When do they usually check?How often?)
5.是否有人查看我社交活動?(Will anyone be looking at my social media activities?)
6.我需要工作多長時間才能獲得帶薪病假?(How long do Ineed to work here before taking apaid personal or sick day?)
7.請病假是否要醫生開條?(Do you require adoctor's note whenever asick day is taken?)
8.上班早走晚到的限度?(What is considered as excessive when someone misses work?)
9.被解雇前的程序是什麼?(What is the process before someone is fired?Are there warnings?How many?)
1.這經常這麼吵嗎?(Is it always so noisy here?)
2.這經常這麼冷/熱?是否可在工作時開暖氣/冷氣?(Is it always so cold(or hot)here?Can Iturn up the heat(or air conditioning)when I'm working?)
3.我更喜歡在家工作,你期望我多久來一次?(I prefer working from my home.How often would you expect me to be here?)
4.我幹完活,是否可早走或晚到?(Is it OK to arrive late or leave early if my work is done or if no one needs my help?)
5.穿衣上是否有很多規定?(Do you have alot of rules about what you can wear here?)
6.我不喜歡用蘋果電腦等,是否可以使用別的?(I don't like Mac's(or PC's).Can Ihave adifferent kind of computer to use?)
7.我不想要隔間,我可否坐在有窗戶的辦公室?(I don't want acubicle.Can Ihave an office with awindow?)
8.我可否擁有最新款的手機?(Can Ihave the newest smartphone(or name of model)with the maximum memory,best camera,and unlimited usage?)
1.有關員工折扣嗎?(Do employees get discounts?)
2.能和家人或朋友共享員工折扣嗎?(Can employee discounts be shared with family and friends?)
3.使用員工折扣有無上限?(Is there alimit to how much Ican buy with my employee discount?)
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