Marilyn 社会研究中心的执行主任Adonis Studly还指出:女人的名字蕴涵着许多意义,假如你的名字是比较性感的名字比如:Britney, Kimmi, or Jasmine,那么男士们立刻一听你的名字就觉得你在床上的表现应该会比那些名字叫 Gertrude, Miriam, or Hilda的女人表现得更好。
Adonis Studly也指出如果你的名字与生俱来就起的并不是很性感的名字,并不表示你将永远无法性感起来。大家看性感大明星 Marilyn Monroe 也很清楚的知道如果她的名字是Norma,她将不会如此的性感。
所以,女性们,你们可以想想给自己一个机会将名字”重新来过”,其他一些比较性感的女人名字比如 Skye, Amber and Takemenow 都在 Adonis Studly建议的性感名字的名单中出现。
A new study reveals that the sexier a woman's name, the hotter she's likely to be. Not only that, but if a woman changes her unsexy name to a more erotic one, she quickly becomes sexier.
That's the claim of Adonis Studly, executive director of the Marilyn Institute.
"Names mean a lot," says Studly, who was born Bernard Freeb. "If you have a sexy sounding name like Britney, Kimmi, or Jasmine, guys immediately think you're better in bed than if you go through life being called Gertrude, Miriam, or Hilda.
"And since a lot of how we feel depends on how we're perceived, when people treat you like you're hot, you become hot."
Studly says the good news is that just because you're born with an unflattering name, it doesn't mean you can't become sexy.
"Look at Marilyn Monroe," he says. "She was gorgeous, but even she knew she wouldn't become a sex symbol with a name like Norma.
"Think of it as giving yourself a 'name makeover.'"
Some other sexy names Studly suggests are Skye, Amber and Takemenow.
So far, Studly says, sexy names only work for women. "At least, that's my experience."
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