Blue Kflo
(604) 123 - 4567
#168 8888 Blenheim Street Vancouver BC V1K 1W1
Work Experiences :
1) Worked as a dishwasher in a Chinese restaurant for the whole summer.(2004)
2) Worked as a Ships/boats painter in Weifeng for half a year.(2004 ~ 2005)
3) Worked as a walk-in sales for 3 months;Selling toys.(2005)
Skills :
1) Able to speak and write in English, Mandarin and Cantonese fluently.
2) Good in Mathmatics, Sensitive to numbers.
3) Rich in Strength.
Personality :
1) Hard working, really focus in work.
2) Chillful.
3) Energetic.
Education :
Graduated from Kitsilano Secondary High School in 2005.
Continuing education in South Hill Adult Learning Center in 2006.
Interests/Hobbies :
1) To learn different skills from different jobs to colour my life.
2) Go to gym and work out for an hour or two.
3) Watch hockey!
1) Name [名字]
2) Home adress [地址]
3) Phone number [电话/联络方法]
4) Work/Volunteer Experience [工作经验, 最好标明时间]
5) Skills [技能]
6) Hobbies [兴趣/嗜好]
1) Education [在哪读书/额外课程]
Currently enrolled in Grade 10 at Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School taking the Pre-IB Program and enrolled in Grade 8 Piano and Harmony 3
2) Certificates/Awards [结业证书/奖状]
Honour Roll (2002-Present)
Math Count Competition Award (2003)
3) School Service/ Activities [校内活动/活动]
Service Club (2004-Present)
Guitar Club (2004-Present)
Concert and Chamber Choir (2003-Present)
Library Monitor (2002-2004)
Badminton Team (2003-2004)
Sound Crew (2003-2004)
但如果是正式 resume,可稍做修改
1) Education 要放在工作经验前面,写最高的两项学历即可,加上学位
2) Experiences 的写法:
(粗体)年份 公司名 地点
2004 Wefong Chinese Restaurant, Taipei
- Cleaning dining utensils
- Cleaning dining tables
- Cleaning floors
3) 如果 Certificate 是很难考到的,也要放在前面
4) hobbies, personalities 倒不是太重要,可以放后面
短网址: 版权所有,任何形式转载需本站授权许可。 严禁建立镜像网站.