Google bought YouTube for an obscene amount of money.
Most of this money went on paying back investors,
getting a one-bedroom condo for the founding fathers and paying off some hefty server bills.
Thank Google that enough money was left to do up the YouTube headquarters
in San Bruno, California. They managed the squeeze in an indoor swimming pool,
gym, some palmtrees and even some employees. Can you guys help us out
and start filling CK101 with whatever you want as I want some palm trees in my offcie too.
Google 花了一大笔钱买下了 YouTube
大部分的钱给了投资者 还帮创办者买了间单人房的公寓
感谢Google 在花掉这些钱后
还有足够的钱来装修在加州 San Bruno 的 YouTube 总部
看他们把什么东西挤进了室内 游泳池 健身房 棕榈树 当然 还有员工
大家... 也可以开始帮帮卡国总部塞些你我都想要的东西吗???
到底 Google 付了多少钱买下 Youtube 勒??? 答案是 16.5亿美元股票!!!
来源:DNet Taiwan
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