1. 绝对之和平
“绝对之和平在人世间是难以企及的,但这并不妨我们朝此目标进发。如同沙漠之客旅定睛于启明之晨星,我们亦当定睛于斯。即便我们难以求得人间的绝对和平,但我们为此而付出的努力将会使得人与人之间、国与国之间互信互爱,进而让我们这个地球村变得更加平安与友善。”("Absolute peace in our world is an unattainable goal. But it is one towards which we must continue to journey, our eyes fixed on it as a traveler in a desert fixes his eyes on the one guiding star that will lead him to salvation. Even if we do not achieve perfect peace on earth, because perfect peace is not of this earth, common endeavors to gain peace will unite individuals and nations in trust and friendship and help to make our human community safer and kinder.")
2. 善恶共存
“夫和平于世,乃归于一。坤舆万国,唇齿相依。若夫恶者居上,善者居下,则吾辈皆处险境,无可幸免。然则问曰:除恶务尽,可乎?答曰:不可!盖因人之天性,有善有恶,善恶共存。然吾辈当小恶毋作,大恶务去,以尽人性之善也。”(The peace of our world is indivisible. As long as negative forces are getting the better of positive forces anywhere, we are all at risk. It may be questioned whether all negative forces could ever be removed. The simple answer is: “No!” It is in human nature to contain both the positive and the negative. However, it is also within human capability to work to reinforce the positive and to minimize or neutralize the negative.)
3. 一个良心犯对我们来说已是太多。
“当你们看着我,聆听我演说时,请不要忘记那个已被重复多次的真理:一个良心犯对我们来说已是太多。”( As you look at me and listen to me, please remember the often repeated truth that one prisoner of conscience is one too many. )
4. 战争并非枪杀和平的唯一战场
“战争并非枪杀和平的唯一战场。人们的苦难在哪里被漠视,哪里就会埋下斗争的种子。因苦难生辱、苦难生怨、苦难生怒。”(War is not the only arena where peace is done to death. Wherever suffering is ignored, there will be the seeds of conflict, for suffering degrades and embitters and enrages.)
5. 善的力量
“每一次我受到善待,无论小善或是大善,都使我相信:世上有再多的善也不会嫌多。为善,是用敏感的心去体察他人的需要,是用温暖的情去回应他人的期望。若有善在,一个最简单的动作也能打破一颗沉寂的心灵。善,可以改变我们的生命。”("Every kindness I received, small or big, convinced me that there could never be enough of it in our world. To be kind is to respond with sensitivity and human warmth to the hopes and needs of others. Even the briefest touch of kindness can lighten a heavy heart. Kindness can change the lives of people.")
6. 民主乃人权之保障
“若有人问起我,缘何会为缅甸之民主而奋斗?盖因我笃信民主之政体与民主之实践乃人权之保障。”(If I am asked why I am fighting for democracy in Burma, it is because I believe that democratic institutions and practices are necessary for the guarantee of human rights.)
挪威居民Brigt Olav Gaasdal表示:“她本可以离开缅甸,本可以放弃,我想来赞美她那令人难以置信的献身精神。”
昂山素季周五抵达挪威,领取1991年获得的诺贝尔和平奖,以及1990年拉夫托基金会(Rafto Foundation)授予她的人权奖。
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