I should like to tell you alittle story which will illustrate this belief.When General Doolittle and his men went to bomb Tokyo,on their return some of your boys had to bail out in the interior of China.One of them later told me that he had to mail out of his ship.And that when he landed on Chinese soil and saw the populace running toward him,he just waved his arm and shouted the only Chinese word he knew,“Mei-kuo,Mei-kuo,”which means“America,”
Literally translated from the Chinese it means“Beautiful country.”This boy said that our people laughed and almost hugged him,and greeted him like along lost brother.He further told me that the thought that he had come home when he saw our people;and that was the first time he had ever been to China.
I came to your country as alittle girl.I know your people.I have lived with them.I spent the formative years of my life amongst your people.I speak your language,not only the language of your hearts,but also your tongue.So coming here today Ifeel that Iam also coming home.
I believe,however,that it is not only Iwho am coming home;I feel that if the Chinese people could speak to you in your own tongue,or if you could understand our tongue,they would tell you that basically and fundamentally we are fighting for the same cause;that we have identity of ideals’that the“four freedoms,”which your President proclaimed to the world,resound throughout our vast land as the gong of freedom,the gong of freedom of the United Nations,and the death knell of the aggressors.
1956年,张爱玲将《金锁记》扩展成英文长篇Pink Tears,后来她将Pink Tears改写成The Rouge of the North(《北地胭脂》),之后又将《北地胭脂》翻译成中文版的《怨女》。
The Sun Parlor
My favourite spot in St.Mary's Hall is the Sun Parlor.It gives me the same impression as its name;a warm,bright room constantly filled with sunshine.It is arectangular room.The walls are painted in white,but the lower half of them is hidden behind acover of black wood.In the middle of the room there is along black table,and around it are many chairs.These are prepared for the girls to have achance for reading newspapers.In one corner of the room there is awooden box placed on the shelf.This belongs to the Phoenix Broad,and every girl has the privilege of putting her own themes in it.The box is locked,and we always dream of how we would open this mysterious box and see the things within.On the wall there hang many interesting pictures and records that attract girls'attention every time they pass the Sun Parlor.The room is very bright,because one side of it faces the big glass door that leads to the school gate,and one side of it is composed of three glass doors which face the school garden.Sunlight can reach the room in both directions.When we stand before the glass door,we can see the whole view of our lovely school garden.In winter afternoons,when the pale yellow sunlight lies lazily on the stone ground,we sit beside the steam heaters,with newspapers in our hands.We feel nice and warm and pleasant,and thoroughly enjoy the charm of the"Sun Parlor".
19岁时,林徽因在1923年12月1日《晨报五周年纪念增刊》上尝试翻译了王尔德的《夜莺与玫瑰》(The Nightingale and the Rose),下面节选一段,感受一下林徽因的翻译功底:
"No red rose in all my garden!"he cried,and his beautiful eyes filled with tears.
"Ah,on what little things does happiness depend!I have read all that the wise men have written,and all the secrets of philosophy are mine,yet for want of ared rose is my life made wretched."
Lin:China is…the oldest self-governing nation in the world.
Anchor:Oh,wait amoment.You are pulling my leg.
Lin:No,I am quite serious…Mencius long ago said that all men are created equal and any man is capable of development to the moral stature of the saint emperors.And that is about 2500 years ago.Mencius further said that in astate,the people are the most important factor and the king is the least important…Mencius is as modern as Thomas Jefferson.
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