【川普】2020国情咨文 绝不让社会主义破坏美国医保(全文翻译三)(图)

发表:2020-02-06 05:17
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【看中国2020年2月6日讯】(看中国记者天琴翻译)美东时间2月4日晚9点,美国总统川普在国会联席会议上发表国情咨文演说,主题为“伟大美国回归”(The Great American Comeback)。


And just weeks ago, for the first time since President Truman established the Air Force more than 70 years earlier, we created a brand-new branch of the United States Armed Forces.  It’s called the Space Force.  (Applause.)  Very important.

In the Gallery tonight, we have a young gentleman.  And what he wants so badly — 13 years old — Iain Lanphier.  He’s an eighth grader from Arizona.  Iain, please stand up.

Iain has always dreamed of going to space.  He was the first in his class and among the youngest at an aviation academy.  He aspires to go to the Air Force Academy, and then he has his eye on the Space Force.  As Iain says, “Most people look up at space.  I want to look down on the world.”  (Laughter and applause.)

But sitting behind Iain tonight is his greatest hero of them all.  Charles McGee was born in Cleveland, Ohio, one century ago.  Charles is one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen — the first black fighter pilots — and he also happens to be Iain’s great-grandfather.  (Applause.)  Incredible story.
但是今晚坐在伊恩身后是他最伟大的英雄,无人能比。查查尔斯·麦基在一世纪前出生于俄亥俄州克利夫兰。查尔斯是最后幸存的塔斯基吉航空兵(Tuskegee Airmen)之一-首批黑人战斗机飞行员-他也恰好是伊恩的曾祖父。 (掌声)令人难以置信的故事。

After more than 130 combat missions in World War Two, he came back home to a country still struggling for civil rights and went on to serve America in Korea and Vietnam.  On December 7th, Charles celebrated his 100th birthday.  (Applause.)  A few weeks ago, I signed a bill promoting Charles McGee to Brigadier General.  And earlier today, I pinned the stars on his shoulders in the Oval Office.  General McGee, our nation salutes you.  Thank you, sir.  (Applause.)
在第二次世界大战中执行了130多次战斗任务后,他回到了仍在为民权而奋斗的国家,并继续去韩国和越南为美国服务。 12月7日,查尔斯庆祝他的100岁生日。 (掌声)几周前,我签署了一项法案,将查尔斯·麦基提升为准将。今天早些时候,在椭圆形办公室我把星星钉(勋章)别在他的肩膀上。麦基将军,我们国家向你致敬。谢谢你,先生。 (掌声。)

From the pilgrims to the Founders, from the soldiers at Valley Forge to the marchers at Selma, and from President Lincoln to the Reverend Martin Luther King, Americans have always rejected limits on our children’s future.

Members of Congress, we must never forget that the only victories that matter in Washington are victories that deliver for the American people.  (Applause.)  The people are the heart of our country, their dreams are the soul of our country, and their love is what powers and sustains our country.  We must always remember that our job is to put America first.  (Applause.)
国会议员,我们永远不要忘记,华盛顿唯一重要的胜利就是为美国人民带来的胜利。 (掌声)人民是我们国家的心脏,他们的梦想是我们国家的灵魂,他们的爱推动和支撑我们国家。我们必须永远记住,我们的工作是把美国放在首位。 (掌声。)

The next step forward in building an inclusive society is making sure that every young American gets a great education and the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.  Yet, for too long, countless American children have been trapped in failing government schools.  To rescue these students, 18 states have created school choice in the form of Opportunity Scholarships.  The programs are so popular that tens of thousands of students remain on a waiting list.

One of those students is Janiyah Davis, a fourth grader from Philadelphia.  Janiyah.  (Applause.)  Janiyah’s mom, Stephanie, is a single parent.  She would do anything to give her daughter a better future.  But last year, that future was put further out of reach when Pennsylvania’s governor vetoed legislation to expand school choice to 50,000 children.

Janiyah and Stephanie are in the Gallery.  Stephanie, thank you so much for being here with your beautiful daughter.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)
珍妮雅和斯蒂芬妮都在大厅。斯蒂芬妮,非常感谢你和你美丽的女儿在这里。非常感谢你们。 (掌声。)

But, Janiyah, I have some good news for you, because I am pleased to inform you that your long wait is over.  I can proudly announce tonight that an Opportunity Scholarship has become available, it’s going to you, and you will soon be heading to the school of your choice.  (Applause.)
但是,珍妮雅,我为你带来一些好消息,因为很高兴通知你,你的漫长等待已经结束。我可以今晚自豪地宣布,机会奖学金已经开始提供给你,你将很快去你选择的学校。 (掌声。)

Now I call on Congress to give one million American children the same opportunity Janiyah has just received.  Pass the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunities Act — because no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government school.  (Applause.)
现在,我呼吁国会给美国百万儿童同样的机会,如珍妮雅刚刚拥有的。通过《教育自由奖学金和机会法》,因为任何父母都不应被迫将孩子送到失败的公立学校。 (掌声。)

Every young person should have a safe and secure environment in which to learn and to grow.  For this reason, our magnificent First Lady has launched the BE BEST initiative to advance a safe, healthy, supportive, and drug-free life for the next generation — online, in school, and in our communities.  Thank you, Melania, for your extraordinary love and profound care for America’s children.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)
每个年轻人都应该有一个学习和成长的安全环境。因此,我们极好的第一夫人发起了成为最好(BE BEST)计划,— 在网络,在学校和在社区中,旨在为下一代改善安全,健康,支持和拒绝毒品的生活。谢谢梅拉尼娅,感谢你对美国孩子们的热爱和深切关怀。非常感谢你。 (掌声。)

My administration is determined to give our citizens the opportunities they need regardless of age or background.  Through our Pledge to American Workers, over 400 companies will also provide new jobs and education opportunities to almost 15 million Americans.

My budget also contains an exciting vision for our nation’s high schools.  Tonight, I ask Congress to support our students and back my plan to offer vocational and technical education in every single high school in America.  (Applause.)
我的预算还包含了对我们国家的高中令人兴奋的愿景。今晚,我请国会支持我们的学生,并支持我在美国每所高中提供职业和技术教育的计划。 (掌声。)

To expand equal opportunity, I am also proud that we achieved record and permanent funding for our nation’s historically black colleges and universities.  (Applause.)
为了扩大机会均等,我也感到自豪,我们为美国历史悠久的黑人大学提供了创纪录的永久性资助。 (掌声。)

A good life for American families also requires the most affordable, innovative, and high-quality healthcare system on Earth.  Before I took office, health insurance premiums had more than doubled in just five years.  I moved quickly to provide affordable alternatives.  Our new plans are up to 60 percent less expensive — and better.  (Applause.)
为了使美国家庭过上美好的生活,还需要地球上最能负担得起,创新和高质量的医疗保健系统。在我上任之前,健康保险费在短短五年内就翻了一番。我迅速采取行动,提供了负担得起的替代方案。我们的新计划可将价格便宜多达60%,甚至更好。 (掌声。)

I’ve also made an ironclad pledge to American families: We will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions.  (Applause).  And we will always protect your Medicare and we will always protect your Social Security.  Always.  (Applause.)
我也向美国家庭做出了坚定的承诺:我们将始终保护患已有疾病患者。 (掌声)。我们将始终保护你的医疗保险,并始终保护你的社会保障。永远。 (掌声。)

The American patient should never be blindsided by medical bills.  That is why I signed an executive order requiring price transparency.  (Applause.)  Many experts believe that transparency, which will go into full effect at the beginning of next year, will be even bigger than healthcare reform.  (Applause.)  It will save families massive amounts of money for substantially better care.
美国病人永远不应被医疗费用蒙蔽。这就是为什么我签署了要求价格透明的行政命令的原因。 (掌声)许多专家认为,将于明年年初全面生效的透明度将比医疗改革更大。 (掌声)它将为家庭节省大量资金,以提供更好的医疗服务。

But as we work to improve Americans’ healthcare, there are those who want to take away your healthcare, take away your doctor, and abolish private insurance entirely.


THE PRESIDENT:  One hundred thirty-two lawmakers in this room have endorsed legislation to impose a socialist takeover of our healthcare system, wiping out the private health insurance plans of 180 million very happy Americans.  To those watching at home tonight, I want you to know: We will never let socialism destroy American healthcare.  (Applause.)
总统:一百二十三位国会议员通过了立法,强行以社会主义方式接管我们的医疗保健系统,抹去了1.8亿非常高兴的美国人的私人医疗保险计划。对于今晚在家看电视的人来说,我想让你们知道:我们绝不会让社会主义破坏美国的医疗保健。 (掌声。)

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【川普】2020国情咨文 社会主义摧毁了国家(全文翻译2)(图)

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【川普】2020国情咨文 神的恩典仍在闪耀 (全文翻译6)(图)




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