2019年6月28日,在日本大阪20国集团峰会期间,川普与普京会谈,(图片来源:Getty Images)
【看中国2020年4月26日讯】(看中国记者天琴翻译)4月25日,周六,美国总统川普和俄罗斯总统普京发表联合声明,以纪念1945年二战期间,美军和苏军在德国易北河(Elbe River)桥汇合75周年。声明说,“易北河精神”是各国抛弃分歧、建立信任、并进行合作的典范。声明中还说:“在我们今天努力应对21世纪最重要的挑战时,我们向所有为打败法西斯主义而共同奋斗的人们所表现出的英勇和勇气致敬。他们的英勇壮举将永远不会被遗忘。”
Joint Statement by President Donald J.Trump and President Vladimir Putin of Russia Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Meeting on the Elbe
Foreign Policy
Issued on:April 25,2020
April 25,2020,marks the 75th Anniversary of the historic meeting between American and Soviet troops,who shook hands on the damaged bridge over the Elbe River.This event heralded the decisive defeat of the Nazi regime.
The meeting on the Elbe represented aculmination of tremendous efforts by the many countries and peoples that joined forces under the framework of the United Nations Declaration of 1942.This common struggle required enormous sacrifice by millions of soldiers,sailors,and citizens in multiple theaters of war.
We also recognize the contributions from millions of men and women on the home front,who forged vast quantities of war materials for use around the world.Workers and manufacturers played acrucial role in supplying the allied forces with the tools necessary for victory.
The“Spirit of the Elbe”is an example of how our countries can put aside differences,build trust,and cooperate in pursuit of agreater cause.As we work today to confront the most important challenges of the 21st century,we pay tribute to the valor and courage of all those who fought together to defeat fascism.Their heroic feat will never be forgotten.
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