卡扎菲血腥鎮壓 中共避談

發表:2011-02-24 12:49
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利比亞獨裁狂人卡扎菲( Muammar Gaddafi)下令血腥鎮壓示威群眾,讓全世界震驚。他在官方電視臺講話時表示他決不下臺,還用中國「89天安門屠城事件」為自己辯護,顯示鎮壓的必要。而在國際社會廣泛譴責卡達菲的暴行時,中共卻採取迴避態度。

卡扎菲在21號早上派出戰機和直升機,轟炸首都的黎波里( Tripoli)多處地點,而據半島電視臺的消息,利比亞第二大城市班加西港( Benghazi)也連續兩天遭戰機轟炸。估計轟炸使反政府示威以來的死亡數字飆升到千人。





此外,阿拉伯聯盟、歐盟官員、德國總理梅克爾、秘魯總統賈西亞(Alan Garcia)都對利比亞的鎮壓行為表示了譴責。




時事評論員李天笑:「關鍵問題它政權的性質跟卡扎菲政權的性質有一致性,首先,它們的政權不是人民選上來的。卡扎菲執政40年一貫性的獨裁專制,中共從49 年上臺以後,一直是用暴力、謊言這種方式進行統治的,真正底下的選舉過程我們是沒有看到的。所以它不願意接受卡扎菲政府的下臺。卡扎菲政府的下臺也標誌著中共的政權也應該下臺。」


《路透社》報導,利比亞的軍官、軍人和絕大部分警察拒絕向民眾開火。兩名本來受命前往班加西轟炸的戰機機師,21號駕機出走地中海島國馬爾他( Malta),尋求政治庇護。

利比亞司法部長傑利爾,和包括駐美、駐華大使等多名外交官也跟卡扎菲斷絕關係, 利比亞內政部長阿比迪(AbdelFattah Younes al Abidi)則宣布投向抗爭群眾。



China Evades on Gaddafi』s Bloody Suppression

Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi ordered bloody
suppression on protesters, which shocked the world.
He said in an address broadcast on state television
that he will not step down.
He used 1989 Tiananmen Massacre to defend himself.
While the international society condemns Gaddafi』s
atrocities, the CCP is evasive on this issue.

On Feb. 21, Gaddafi ordered fighters and helicopters
to bomb multiple loations in Tripoli.
According to Al Jazeera, Benghazi, the 2nd largest city
in Libya was under bombardment for 2 consecutive days.
The air raids are estimated to cause nearly 1000 deaths.

Gaddafi made a national TV speech on Feb. 22,
vowing to continue with his power.
He alluded to 1989 Tiananmen Massacre in his speech.
He said after days of protests in Tiananmen Square,
the students were smashed by the tanks
dispatched by the Chinese leaders.

Gaddafi』s atrocities are strongly condemned
by the international society.

On Feb. 22, President Obama extended condolences
to the victims of violence in Libya.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney condemned
Gaddafi regime for using appalling violence on its people.

After an urgent meeting on Libya, UN Security Council
released a statement condemning Libya for using force
against civilians and urging to punish the perpetrators.
The U.N. Secretary-General expressed 「grave concern」
on Libya』s bloody suppression of protesters.

Besides, Arab League, EU officials, German chancellor
Merkel and Peruvian President Alan Garcia all expressed
their condemnation on Libya』s bloodshed.

On the Tuesday press conference, Chinese Foreign
Ministry spokesperson Ma Chaoxu remarked on
Libyan situation for the first time.
He only mentioned to hope to restore stability quickly
and rescue overseas Chinese in Libya.
It is noted that the CCP did not condemn Gaddafi.

Yang Liyu, Professor of Politics at Seton Hall University:
「China』s position can be viewed as 『evasive.』
Foreign Ministry spokesperson said to hope Libya
to restore stability. How to restore stability and order?
The thing first should be the down fall of Gaddafi.」

As international community all condemn Gaddafi』s
atrocities, why did the CCP not even mention his name?
Why not condemn him but to cover him up?

Li Tianxiao, political commentator: 「
The key is that these two regimes are similar in nature.
They were not elected by people.
They are despotic for many years. Since 1949,
the CCP has been ruling China by violence and lies,
without any democratic election in true sense.
It does not want to see the Gaddafi regime fall down.
Gaddafi』s down fall may be indicative of CCP』s demise.」

Massacre of civilians and bombardment of capital city
have currently put Gaddafi in a helpless situation.

Upon learning that the Governor was coming to visit,

Reuters reported, many military officers, soldiers and
most policemen refused to fire at the civilians.
Two fighter pilots, who were ordered to bomb Benghazi,
defected to Malta on Feb. 20, seeking political asylum.

Libyan Minister of Justice and many diplomats including
the ambassadors to the U.S. and China have cut off
relationship with Gaddafi. Libyan Minister of the Interior
al Abidi announced to side with the protesters.

On the CCP』s official Xinhua Net on Tuesday,
there was no news reports on Libyan government-
sanctioned bloodshed of the masses,
soldiers refusing to fire at the civilians and
the fighter pilots』 defection.

According to some sources in China, the CCP』s
propaganda dept. ordered this week to ban any
reports on Libyan protests and bloodshed.
All media have to follow Xinhua』s news release.
The Middle Eastern contents in some Hong Kong TV
news that can be picked up in Guangdong were blocked.


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