華盛頓 — 日本首相安倍晉三星期五在白宮跟歐巴馬總統舉行會晤之後,在華盛頓智囊團國際與戰略研究中心發表講話。
Before conclusion, let me make a few words on China and then define how I view the Japan-U.S. relationship.
About the Senkaks (ph), first, history and international law both attest that the islands are Japan's sovereign territory. After all, for the long period between 1895 and 1971, no challenge was made by anyone against the Japanese sovereignty. We simply cannot tolerate any challenge now and in the future. No nation should make any miscalculation about firmness of our resolve. No one should ever doubt the robustness of the Japan-U.S. alliance.
At the same time I have absolutely no intention to climb up the escalation ladder. In fact, my government is investing more into people-to-people exchanges between Japan and China. For me, Japan's relations with China stand out as most -- as among the most important. I have never ceased to pursue what I hold mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests, with China. The doors are always open on my side for the Chinese leaders.
That leads me to say finally a few words on our mutual ties between the U.S. and Japan. In order for us, Japan and the United States, to jointly provide the region and the world with more rule of law, more democracy, more security and less poverty, Japan must stay strong. That is my first point. I have started to revisit our national defense program outline. Our Defense Ministry will get an increased budget, all in order to do just that.
Looking back, it is remarkable that the bond we have developed between Japan and the U.S. has weathered bad days and good, rain or shine, to have lasted for well more than one-fourth of the entire history of the United States. Yet that should not surprise anyone. The United States, the oldest and the biggest maritime democracy, and Japan, also Asia's most experienced and the biggest leader of democracy that is also an ocean-goer, a natural fit. They have been so for many decades, and they will remain so for many more decades to come. Some say now the biggest emerging market is, in fact, Middle America, like Dakotas and Carolinas.
Now, in conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, my task is to look toward the future and make Japan the second-biggest emerging market in the world, and the even more-trusted partner for the region and the world.
来源:美國之音 BBC
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