CNN記者Will Ripley在爆炸現場進行全球直播時(1分49秒處),被強行阻攔。
【看中國2015年08月13日訊】(看中國記者端木珊綜合報導)8月13日一早,美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)記者Will Ripley今日趕到天津爆炸現場,進行全球直播。卻遭到一群天津人士圍攻、阻撓。CNN記者到底報導了什麼,令這些人如此恐慌?下面是CNN記者報導的全文翻譯。
Will Ripley在爆炸點附近
You can just see the force of this explosion, what it did not only to this building, but to the vehicles in the parking lot here.
13 people confirm dead, several hundred are now are reported injured at various hospitals through out the city.
That number continues to rise as that they get a better count.
We were told this parking lot here was a staging area for a lot of people who ran away from the epicenter of the explosion and are still many of them sort of wondering around this morning they can’t go back their homes because a state of emergency has been created in the core area where the blast has been.
And so they are.. we just focus a couple of folks were just sitting and described what would like to go through last night, they said it was like going through an earthquake, and even more terrifying because not only the ground shape but they saw the fireball, and of course the windows came in when the blast wave hit them.
So the city right now is still portion of it is still in state of emergency, we see a lot police we see a lot of military , for the most part i would say things are calm here .
Will Ripley來到一家醫院門外進行連線報導
You saw the incidence over the hospital which is indication how things could certainly flare up quickly , considering how much everybody here have been through.
You talked how the number of injured continues to rise, that’s not surprise we’ve been hearing all night, that hundreds of people are in hospital throughout the city and keep counting the numbers keep going up, not only does the injured but also those who been killed. Just very heartbreaking to see.
《CNN》主播在棚內說: I can imagine that very emotional thing there in the hospital living but it comes to the explosion itself, i mean we really don’t know what happens as you said describe the area where it happened.
Will Ripley在醫院現場播報不到1分鐘,突然聽到有人大聲吆喝,高叫「不要讓老外報導」,隨後有多人大喊「不能拍攝」、「不能報」,並不斷拉扯記者。
面對突如其來的圍攻,Will Ripley連說6個OK,但仍有人不斷拉扯Will Ripley,並高聲喊「刪了」「刪了」。
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