Statement from the Press Secretary
Issued on: February 5, 2020
Today, the sham impeachment attempt concocted by Democrats ended in the full vindication and exoneration of President Donald J. Trump. As we have said all along, he is not guilty. The Senate voted to reject the baseless articles of impeachment, and only the President’s political opponents – all Democrats, and one failed Republican presidential candidate – voted for the manufactured impeachment articles.
In what has now become a consistent tradition for Democrats, this was yet another witch-hunt that deprived the President of his due process rights and was based on a series of lies. Rep. Adam Schiff lied to Congress and the American people with a totally made up statement about the President’s phone call. Will there be no retribution? Speaker Nancy Pelosi also lied to the American people about the need to swiftly pass impeachment articles they dreamt up, only to sit on them for a month before sending over to the Senate. In the Senate, the Democrats continued to make their political motivations clear – Rep. Schiff proclaimed the issues “cannot be decided at the ballot box” – proving once again they think they know better than the voters of this country. This entire effort by the Democrats was aimed at overturning the results of the 2016 election and interfering with the 2020 election.
在現在已成為民主黨人的一貫傳統中,這又是一次獵巫行動 - 剝奪了總統正當程序權,並且是以一系列謊言為基礎。眾議員亞當·希夫(Adam Schiff)對國會和美國人民撒謊,還有關於總統的電話,他(亞當·希夫)作了完全不實的陳述。不會有報應嗎?發言人南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)還也向美國人民撒謊,他們需要迅速遞交他們夢寐以求的彈劾條款,但是卻拖了一個月才送交參議院。在參議院,民主黨人繼續闡明其政治動機–眾議員席夫宣布該問題「無法在投票箱中決定」–再次證明,他們認為自己比這個國家的選民更了解。民主黨人的全部努力旨在推翻2016年大選的結果,並干擾2020年大選。
Throughout this wholly corrupt process, President Trump successfully advanced the interests of the United States and remained focused on the issues that matter to Americans. He spent his time achieving real victories for the people of this country, and the Democrats – once again – have nothing to show for their fraudulent schemes. The President is pleased to put this latest chapter of shameful behavior by the Democrats in the past, and looks forward to continuing his work on behalf of the American people in 2020 and beyond.
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