Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure
Issued on: June 18, 2019
South Lawn
4:01 P.M. EDT
美东时间 下午4:01
THE PRESIDENT: Mark Esper, who is a highly respected gentleman with a great career — West Point, Harvard, a tremendous talent — was just named Acting Secretary of Defense. I think he’ll do very well. He was Secretary of the Army. I got to know him very well and he’s an outstanding guy.
川普总统:马克‧埃斯佩尔(Mark Esper)是一位备受尊敬的绅士,拥有伟大的职业生涯 - 西点军校,哈佛大学,才华横溢 - 刚刚被任命为代理国防部长。我认为他会做得非常好。他是陆军部长。我很了解他,他是一个杰出的人。
Pat Shanahan, who is a wonderful person, is, as you know, going to take some time off for family matters. And I want to thank him for his service. He’s a terrific person. And it’s a difficult time for Pat, but he’s going to take a little time off for family service and for working things out. And I think you know about it. You know very well about it.
正如你所知,(美国代理国防部长)帕特‧沙纳汉(Pat Shanahan)是一个很棒的人,他会为家庭事务花一些时间。我要感谢他的服务。他是一个了不起的人。对帕特来说这是一个艰难的时期,他将花一点时间来处理家庭事务和解决问题。我想你知道它(这事儿)。你非常了解它(这事儿)。
But Mark Esper is going to be outstanding, and we look forward to working with him for a long period of time to come.
Q Did you ask Shanahan to withdraw, Mr. President?
HE PRESIDENT: Excuse me?
Q Did you ask Shanahan to withdraw?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I didn’t. I didn’t ask him to withdraw, but he walked in this morning and he said it’s going to be a rough time for him because of, obviously, what happened. But I did not ask him to withdraw. He presented me with a letter this morning. That was his — that was his decision.
川普总统:没有,我没有。我并没有要求他退出,但他今天早上走进来。他说这对他来说将是一个艰难的时期,因为显然发生了什么。但我并没有要求他退出。他今天早上给我写了一封信。那是他的 - 那是他的决定。
Q Did you know about these allegations before you said you wanted him to be the Defense Secretary?
THE PRESIDENT: I had heard about it yesterday for the first time. I didn’t know about it. I had heard about yesterday. And it’s very unfortunate. Very unfortunate.
Q Does that make you concerned then about the White House vetting process if you had just heard about it yesterday?
THE PRESIDENT: No, we have a very good vetting process. And you take a look at our Cabinet and our Secretaries — it’s very good. But we have a great vetting process. But this is something that came up a little bit over the last short period of time.
川普总统:不,我们有一个非常好的审查程序。你看看我们的内阁和我们的部长们 – 他们都非常好。但我们有一个很好的审查程序。但这是在过去很短的时间内出现的一点点事情。
And, as you know, Pat was Acting. And so, Acting gives you much greater flexibility. A lot easier to do things. So that’s the way it is. Too bad.
Q Mr. President, will you apologize to the Central Park 5? They’ve been exonerated. There have been videos and movies shown about the case, and you came out with a full-page ad saying that they should die, that they should have the death penalty. Do you apologize?
THE PRESIDENT: Why would you bring that question up now? It’s an interesting time to bring it up.
Q There’s movies and everything about them.
THE PRESIDENT: You have people on both sides of that. They admitted their guilt. If you look at Linda Fairstein, and if you look at some of prosecutors, they think that the city should never have settled that case. So we’ll leave it at that.
总统先生:站在两边说话的人都有。他们承认他们自己有罪。如果你看看琳达.费尔斯坦(Linda Fairstein),如果你看看一些检察官,他们认为这个城市最好永远不把这个案子定死了。所以我们将(这案子)保持现状吧。
Q Does not having a permanent Defense Secretary complicate your policy —
THE PRESIDENT: No, not at all.
Q — let’s say, with Iran?
问:– 就拿与伊朗来说?
THE PRESIDENT: I think, frankly, this could happen very quickly for Mark Esper. He’s very experienced. He’s the —
川普总统:坦率地说,我认为马克‧埃斯佩尔(Mark Esper)可能很快就要处理这件事。他很有经验。他是 -
Q But it’s already been six months.
THE PRESIDENT: — he’s been around all of the things that we’re talking about for a very long period of time.
川普总统:- 他已经接触我们所谈论的事很长一段时间了。
Q Why should Americans trust your administration to tell the truth about what’s going on with Iran? If we go to war, why should we believe you if you say why?
THE PRESIDENT: Well, we have Iran. We’ve been talking to various people on lots of different sides. And we’ll see what happens with Iran. We’re very well set. We’re very well configured. We have a lot of things going on with Iran.
I spoke with President Xi, this morning, of China. We’ll be meeting at the G20. And I think that is working out pretty much as I anticipated it would. China very much wants to discuss the future, and so do we.
So the relationship with President Xi is a very good one. We had a long talk this morning.
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