2019年7月24日 上午10:51
“Mueller was asked whether or not the investigation was impeded in any way, and he said no.” In other words, there was NO OBSTRUCTION. @KatiePavlich @FoxNews
“穆勒被问到调查是否受到任何阻碍,他说没有。” 换句话说,没有妨碍司法。 @KatiePavlich @FoxNews
2019年7月24日 上午10:11
“This has been a disaster for the Democrats and a disaster for the reputation of Robert Mueller.” Chris Wallace @FoxNews
2019年7月24日 早上08:18
....interview, including the Vice President of the United States!
2019年7月24日 早上08:18
It has been reported that Robert Mueller is saying that he did not apply and interview for the job of FBI Director (and get turned down) the day before he was wrongfully appointed Special Counsel. Hope he doesn’t say that under oath in that we have numerous witnesses to the...
据报导,罗伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)说,在他被错误任命为特别法律顾问前一天,他没有申请和面试联邦调查局局长的工作(并被拒绝)。希望他这话不是在宣誓的情况下说的,因为我们有许多目击者......
2019年7月24日 早上08:10
2019年7月24日 早上07:55
2019年7月24日 早上07:43
So why didn’t the highly conflicted Robert Mueller investigate how and why Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted and acid washed 33,000 Emails immediately AFTER getting a SUBPOENA from the United States Congress? She must have GREAT lawyers!
那么为什么高度矛盾冲突的罗伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)在接到美国国会传票后,没有立即调查狡诈的希拉里·克林顿(Killary Hillary Clinton)如何和,以及为什么会立即删除和酸洗33,000封电子邮件的事情?她肯定有很棒的律师!
2019年7月24日 早上07:36
Why didn’t Robert Mueller & his band of 18 Angry Democrats spend any time investigating Crooked Hillary Clinton, Lyin’ & Leakin’ James Comey, Lisa Page and her Psycho lover, Peter S, Andy McCabe, the beautiful Ohr family, Fusion GPS, and many more, including HIMSELF & Andrew W?
罗伯特·穆勒和他的18个愤怒的民主党小团体为什么不花任何时间调查狡诈的希拉里·克林顿,说谎的和泄密的詹姆斯·科米,丽莎·佩奇和她的心理有障碍的情人,彼·S,安迪·麦凯布,美丽的奥尔家族,Fusion GPS公司,还有更多,包括他自己和安德鲁·W?
2019年7月24日 早上07:03
It was NEVER agreed that Robert Mueller could use one of his many Democrat Never Trumper lawyers to sit next to him and help him with his answers. This was specifically NOT agreed to, and I would NEVER have agreed to it. The Greatest Witch Hunt in U.S. history, by far!
2019年7月24日 早上06:50
So Democrats and others can illegally fabricate a crime, try pinning it on a very innocent President, and when he fights back against this illegal and treasonous attack on our Country, they call It Obstruction? Wrong! Why didn’t Robert Mueller investigate the investigators?
所以民主党人和其他人可以非法捏造犯罪,试图把它钉在一个非常无辜的总统身上,而当他(总统)反抗这种对我们国家的非法和叛国性的攻击时,他们称之为阻碍司法?错了! 罗伯特·穆勒为什么没有调查一下那些调查(我的)人员本身呢?
2019年7月23日 晚上10:29
So Robert Mueller has now asked for his long time Never Trumper lawyer to sit beside him and help with answers. What’s this all about? His lawyer represented the “basement server guy” who got off free in the Crooked Hillary case. This should NOT be allowed. Rigged Witch Hunt!....
所以罗伯特·穆勒现在要求永不帮川普的律师来帮助他找到答案。这是怎么回事?他的律师代表了“地下室服务员”,此律师在狡诈的希拉里案中得以脱身。不应该允许这样做。 非法操纵的猎巫事件!....
2019年7月23日 晚上08:18
The young leaders here today (@TPUSA) are part of a movement unlike anything in the history of our nation. It is a movement about reclaiming YOUR future, rebuilding YOUR Country, restoring YOUR destiny, and renewing the values that are the true source of American GREATNESS!
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