【看中国2020年4月17日讯】(看中国记者闻天清编译)波兰独立媒体“逆潮电视”(Idź Pod Prąd TV, 英文:Against the Tide TV)近日发表了一篇报导《中国共产党大使馆攻击波兰人!》(The embassy of communist China attacks Poles!),报导称,由于波兰独立媒体新闻报导对中国共产党(简称:中共)不利,因此,中共驻波兰大使馆雇人使用暴力攻击波兰公民。
报导称,2018年10月,面对波兰逆潮电视有关“对台湾说Yes,对中共说No”(#SayYesToTaiwan #SayNoToCommunistChina)的活动,中共报纸《环球时报》发表文章要求波兰政府制止逆潮电视的这项活动。随后,波兰共和国外交部向中共发表了一份屈从其意志的声明:波兰早在1949年就与北京建立了外交关系,自那时以来就一直支持一个中国的政策,反对任何分裂行为。
2019年9月,中国共产党驻华沙大使馆人员及其代理人试图使用金钱雇人,在最著名的街道之一克拉科夫郊区街(Krakowskie Przedmieście)攻击参与逆潮电视发起示威游行活动的人士。这次示威游行是针对中共建政70周年、中共与波兰共产党建立外交关系周年纪念。
因为卢布林新约教会主持的逆潮电视是支持香港人反抗中国共产党政权运动(反送中运动)的主要波兰媒体。2019年12月8日(星期天),卢布林(Lublin)新约教会一位牧师的汽车遭到袭击。同一天,逆潮电视代表人士参加了在华沙著名地标之一——西吉斯蒙德圆柱(Kolumna Zygmunta,英文:Sigismund’s Column)举行的“自由香港,自由世界!波兰支持香港人!”游行示威活动。
今年3月,逆潮电视开始收集向美国总统唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)提交请愿书的签名,要求中国政府对新型冠状病毒的传播负责。但此请愿书遭到了黑客的攻击。然后,中共驻华沙大使刘光远通过波兰主要新闻门户网站之一Onet.pl对波兰自由、反共媒体进行了前所未有的攻击,其中出现了令人反感的文字和威胁。尽管大使没有提到逆潮电视的名字,但很显然,最能揭露中共在波兰活动的就是逆潮电视。
Obserwujemy coraz bardziej brutalne ataki ambasady komunistycznych Chin w RP na swobody i wolności obywateli polskich. @AmbLiuGuangYuan nie podoba się niezależne dziennikarstwo w Polsce. Wzywamy @MSZ_RP i @MSWiA_GOV_PL do natychmiastowej reakcji! #IPPTV RThttps://t.co/wRMAVjlYwI
— Idź Pod Prąd (@idzpodpradpl) April 15, 2020
《看中国》收到波兰牧师、逆潮电视台与杂志主编Paweł Chojecki的来信原文如下:
Dear Editor,
I would like to inform you that for months we have been observing the increasingly violent attacks of the communist Chinese embassy in Poland on the freedom and liberty of Polish citizens. Independent journalism in Poland does not appeal to Communist Party of China.
In October 2018, in response to the campaign of the environment of Against the Tide TV #SayYesToTaiwan and #SayNoToCommunistChina, “Global Times“, the newspaper of the Communist Party of China, in its article demanded that the Polish authorities put a stop to the activities of Against the Tide TV in Poland! After the publication of that article, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland issued a subservient statement to Chinese communists: “Poland has established diplomatic relations with China as early as 1949 and has since supported the policy of one China, which is opposed to separatist movements.”
In September 2019, a Chinese embassy militia in Warsaw and its agents tried to bribe and then physically attacked a picket organized by the TV environment of Against the Tide TV on Krakowskie Przedmieście Street. The picket was a reaction to the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of communist China and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and communist Poland. The event was documented in the video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1TAgBqQosg&feature=emb_title
On Sunday, December 8, 2019, the car of one of the pastors of the New Covenant Church in Lublin was attacked.
Against the Tide TV, which is run by the New Covenant Church in Lublin, was the main Polish medium supporting Hongkongers fighting with the communist regime of China. On the same day, representatives of the TV took part in the picket “Free Hong Kong, free world! Poland supports Hongkongers!” under the Sigismund’s Column in Warsaw.
When in March we began collecting signatures on a petition to US President Donald Trump to hold the Chinese government accountable for the spread of the coronavirus, there was a hacker attack on this petition. Then, China’s ambassador Liu Guangyuan conducted an unprecedented attack on free, anti-communist media in Poland via Onet.pl, one of the main news portals in Poland. Offensive words and threats appeared in it. Although the ambassador did not mention us by name, it is obvious that it is Against the Tide TV that exposes the actions of communist China most.
We call on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to react immediately to put a stop to the attacks of the communist Chinese embassy in Poland. We also call on the Interior Minister and Administration to take decisive steps to clarify the criminal activities of Chinese communists in Poland and to punish them.
With best regards,
Paweł Chojecki
Pastor of New Covenant Church in Lublin, Poland
Against the Tide Magazine and TV, Editor-in-Chief
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