【看中国2019年6月13日讯】(看中國記者天琴翻譯) 6月12日,美東時間下午5點25分,美國總統川普和波蘭共和國總統杜達在白宮招待會上的發表講話。川普總統說:「在這一天,即1987年6月12日,羅納德‧里根總統在柏林勃布蘭登堡門前發表了他的著名演講。」。川普還說:「在第二次世界大戰之後,波蘭人民承受了長達一個世紀的艱難來恢復獨立-而且很艱苦-來自非常暴虐的共產主義統治。它(共產主義統治)很暴虐。」
Remarks by President Trump and President Duda of the Republic of Poland at the Polish-American Reception
特朗普總統和波蘭共和國總統杜達在波蘭 - 美國招待會上的講話
Issued on: June 12, 2019
East Room
5:25 P.M. EDT
美東時間 下午5點25分
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, thank you very much. Melania and I would like to just welcome you all to the White House, a very special place. One of the great homes and houses anywhere in the world. Call it a home or a house; it’s one of the greats. Very important to all of us.
And we’re here, today, to honor the incredible friendship between the United States and Poland, and to celebrate our vibrant, thriving, and proud Polish-American community, of which many of you are (inaudible). (Applause.)
And we are tremendously honored to host President Duda and Mrs. Kornhauser-Duda of Poland. And he’s a highly respected leader. He’s done a fantastic job. You’d be very, very proud of your homeland, your original place. I know so many of you came there and came directly. They are doing really well. So we’re very proud of President Duda.
我們極其榮幸的能夠接待波蘭杜達總統和艾佳塔 - 杜達女士。他是一位備受尊敬的領導者。他做得非常出色。你會為自己的祖國,你來源的地方感到非常非常自豪。我知道你們很多人都來過這裡,直接來了。他們確實做得很好。所以我們為杜達總統感到非常自豪。
And I’ve just also spent a lot of time having some very productive meetings. Good for Poland and good for the United States. The alliance between the United States and Poland is stronger than ever before.
And thanks to our U.S. Ambassador to Poland — friend of mine for a long time, Georgette Mosbacher — (applause) — where is Georgette? Hi, Georgette. Not a very good location, Georgette. I’m surprised at you. (Laughter.) That’s not like you. (Laughter.) But she’s done a fantastic job.
感謝我們美國駐波蘭大使 - 我的老朋友,Georgette Mosbacher (尤吉特·莫斯巴赫)-(掌聲)- 尤吉特在哪裡?嗨,尤吉特。尤吉特,那不是一個非常好的位置,尤吉特。我對你很驚訝。(笑聲。)那不像你。(笑聲)但她做得非常出色。
Another person doing an incredible job is Wilbur Ross, Secretary. Where is Wilbur? Where is Wilbur? Secretary of Commerce. (Applause.) Thank you, Wilbur.
Betsy DeVos, for joining us. Where is Betsy? Betsy? Hi, Betsy. (Applause.) Hi, Betsy. Education.
加入我們的貝琪·德沃斯。貝琪在哪裡?貝琪?你好,貝琪。 (掌聲)嗨,貝琪。教育(部長)。
Along with some terrific people — representatives, powerful but good. Dan Lipinski. Dan? Dan Lipinski, thank you. Thank you, Dan.
與一些了不起的人 - 代表們,強大但優秀。丹·利平斯基。丹?丹·利平斯基,謝謝。謝謝你,丹。
Also here today is Lockheed Martin’s CEO, Marillyn Hewson. And we’re very glad to tell you that President Duda plans to purchase 32 American-made F-35s, one of the great planes. Am I right? (Applause.) Where is Marillyn? Hi, Marillyn. Good job, Marillyn. Doing an incredible job. Thank you, Marillyn.
洛克希德.馬丁公司的首席執行官瑪麗蓮·休森(Marillyn Hewson)今天也在這裡。而且我們很高興的告訴你,杜達總統計畫購買32架美國製造的F-35,這是一架很棒的飛機。我對嗎?(掌聲)瑪麗蓮在哪裡?嗨,瑪麗蓮。幹得好,瑪麗蓮。做一份不可思議的工作。謝謝你,瑪麗蓮。
Last week, the world commemorated the 75th anniversary of D-Day. That was some day. In that momentous endeavor, Polish and American warriors fought side-by-side to defend their nations to defeat the Nazi regime. That Nazi regime was defeated and strongly defeated.
The heroes of D-Day remind us that no power can match the spirit of a free, proud, and sovereign people. They found that out. (Applause.)
In August, we will also mark the 75th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, when more than 150,000 Polish patriots gave their lives to reclaim their homeland from tyranny.
On my trip to Poland two summers ago — and I will never forget it — I was deeply moved to speak at the Monument to the Warsaw Uprising. Many of you remember that scene. The people went 10 blocks long. It was like spokes on wheel and it went deep, deep. And there were — I guess, I’ve never seen anything like it.
兩個夏天前我去波蘭旅行 - 我永遠不會忘記 - 我很感動,在華沙起義紀念碑發言。很多人都記得那個場景。人們走了10個街區那麼長。它就像車輪上的輻條一樣,它深深的嵌入。那兒 - 我想,我從來沒有見過這樣的東西。
Many young Poles ran into the streets and came face-to-face with the enemy. One such man was Richard Cosby. (Applause.) Richard Cosby. I had no idea, Rita. I’ve known Rita so long; I had no idea. Who fought for weeks on end, was gravely wounded, and was taken to a Nazi prison camp in Germany. Months later, Richard and other Polish prisoners escaped to the American front. That’s a great day for Richard.
This evening, we are honored to be joined by Richard Cosby’s daughter — and a friend of mine for a long time. I had no idea. (Applause.) Huh? That’s great. Rita. Come up here for a second, Rita. Come up here. And, Rita, I have to say, your dad’s story fills our hearts with gratitude for the Polish and American patriots who stared down evil. And I want to thank you. I’ve known her so long, and so I just had no idea. I’ve very impress- — I’m even more impressed now. Thank you. (Laughter.)
今晚,我們很榮幸能與理查德科斯比的女兒 - 以及我的一位朋友 - 在一起这么长時間。我不知道。(掌聲)嗯?那很棒。麗塔。麗塔,到這儿来一会儿。來吧。而且,麗塔,我得說,你父親的故事充滿了我們的心,感謝那些震慑邪惡的波蘭和美國愛國者。我要感謝你。我認識她很久了,我只是不知道。我印象非常深刻 - 現在我印象更深刻了。謝謝。(笑聲。)
Thank you very much. Be careful. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you very much, Rita.
Today, we pay tribute to the heroes of the Warsaw Uprising and all of those who fought so courageously in Warsaw and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising the year before.
After the Second World War, the people of Poland endured a decades-long struggle to regain their independence — and it was tough — from very oppressive communist rule. And it was oppressive.
在第二次世界大戰之後,波蘭人民承受了長達數十年的艱難來恢復獨立 - 而且很艱苦 - 來自非常暴虐的共產主義統治。它(共產主義統治)很暴虐。
This month, we commemorate the 40th anniversary of Saint John Paul the Second’s first pilgrimage to his beloved homeland as Pope. (Applause.) He loved Poland, right? That’s great.
With us today is Jerzy Bogdziewicz. Where — Jerzy, where are you? Get over here, Jerzy. Come on. (Laughter.) Jerzy grew up in communist Poland. He and a group of fellow students met with the Pope. Was that exciting, Jerzy, meeting with the Pope? More exciting than meeting with Trump, right? (Laughter.)
今天和我們在一起的是Jerzy Bogdziewicz。在哪兒 - Jerzy,你在哪兒?到這兒來,Jerzy。來吧。(笑聲)Jerzy在共產主義波蘭長大。他曾和一群同學與教皇見面。這是令人興奮的,Jerzy,與教皇會面嗎?比與川普見面更令人興奮,對吧?(笑聲。)
MR. BOGDZIEWICZ: Yes, (inaudible).
BOGDZIEWICZ 先生:是的,(聽不清)。
PRESIDENT TRUMP: He said, “Yes.” I can’t believe it. (Laughter.) Thank you. Thank you, Jerzy, very much.
MR. BOGDZIEWICZ: Thank you, Mr. President, like always.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Fantastic. Thank you very much.
After the Pope’s pilgrimage, Jerzy was one of the thousands of students who joined the Solidarity Movement. And, Jerzy, we’re honored to have you and every Pole who bravely stood for the rights given to us by God. Jerzy, thank you very much. That was great. Rita, thank you very much. (Applause.)
For centuries, our nations have been united by shared aspirations and values. We celebrate the role of family in society, and the dignity of every human life. We draw inspiration from our heroes and honor from our traditions. We enrich the world through art and exploration and science. We protect our sovereignty, and we understand that law is the cornerstone of liberty.
On this very day, June 12th, in 1987, President Ronald Reagan delivered his famous speech in front of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate. Right? We remember that day. That was a special day. Soon after, through the strength of American resolve, the faith of freedom-striving nations, and the mighty spirit of the Poles, the brutal reign of communism in Central and Eastern Europe came to a peaceful end. That was a tremendous day. That was a tremendous time.
President Duda, we will never forget all that Poland has endured to win back its freedom. The story of your nation will always inspire patriots all around the world.
Here in America, Polish-Americans have built flourishing communities, industries, schools, and churches in every generation. Polish-Americans helped settle the Midwest and they helped lead the industrial revolution. They worked so hard and so smart. (Applause.)
The families here today remind us of the countless ways Polish-Americans strengthen our nation. You uplift our communities, sustain our heritage, safeguard our freedoms, and defend our great American flag. Thank you.
To every Polish-American here today, and to those around our country, we say thank you, God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you very much. (Applause.)
And now I’d like to — thank you very much. And now — I know so many of you. (Laughter.) I didn’t know you were all Polish, to be honest with you. (Laughter.) Do you hear that, Rita?
現在我想 - 非常感謝你們。現在 - 我認識你們這麼多人。(笑聲。)我不知道你們都是波蘭人,老實說。(笑聲。)你們聽到了嗎,麗塔?
I’d like to introduce you to, now, a man who really has done such an incredible job as a leader. Respected all over the world. And your country is more respected, I think, than ever before. When you look at what’s happened in Poland, it’s truly a miracle. And what they’ve had to go through over the years — it’s never been easy for Poland. But this is a great President, and it’s an honor to have him and Mrs. Duda at the White House. Thank you very much.
現在,我想向您介紹一個人,他真正做過如此令人難以置信的工作的領導。受到全世界的尊重。你們的國家比以往任何時候都更受尊重,我認為。當你們看看波蘭發生的事情時,這真的是一個奇蹟。多年來他們必須經歷的事情 - 這對波蘭來說從來不容易。但這是一位偉大的總統,能夠與他和杜達夫人一起在白宮是一種榮幸。非常感謝你們。
Mr. President, thank you. Thank you. (Applause.)
總統先生,謝謝。謝謝。 (掌聲。)
PRESIDENT DUDA: (As interpreted.) Distinguished, Mr. President; wonderful distinguished First Lady of the United States of America; all distinguished guests; ladies and gentlemen: My wife and I are greatly honored and thrilled to be here at the White House for the second time in 10 months. And we would like to thank our wonderful hosts, President Donald Trump and wonderful First Lady Melania Trump.
Ladies and gentlemen, last year, Poland celebrated the 100th anniversary of regaining independence. Last year, Poland celebrated the 100th anniversary for regaining independence. And millions of Poles, both at home and abroad, perhaps especially here in the United States, honored that hugely important historic fact.
President and First Lady, thank you for celebrating this anniversary with myself and my wife last September, here at the White House. We are hugely grateful and honored. (Applause.)
But that’s not the end. This year, Poland and the United States remember another common anniversary: the 100th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations in 1919. And from among all the countries that back then, in 1919, were valuable in the international arena — in the international stage, it was precisely the United States, which was the first great power to recognize the newly restored Polish state.
但那不是結束。今年,波蘭和美國還記得另一個共同的紀念日:1919年建立外交關係100週年。當時在所有國家中,1919年,在國際舞台上都很有價值 - 在國際舞台上,但恰恰正是美國,一個有力的大國,是第一個承認從新恢復的波蘭國家的。
And I’m happy that we are here today not only to recollect and commemorate those anniversaries, but also to invest in our future relations.
Mr. President, one of your predecessors, the 33rd President of the United States, Harry Truman, once said, “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still.” And then, he continued, “Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” (Applause.)
Oto jesteśmy. (In English.) “Here we are,” Mr. President. (Laughter and applause.)
Oto jesteśmy。 (英文。)“我們在這裡,” 總統先生。 (笑聲和掌聲。)
(As interpreted.) A lot has been accomplished since we met here in September 2018. We have filled the declaration on strategic partnership with political, economic, energy, and security content. In all these areas, our cooperation has been dependent — benefitting both Poland and the United States.
(翻譯。)自從我們在2018年9月在這裏開會以來,已經取得了很多成就。我們已經填寫了有關政治,經濟,能源和安全內容的戰略夥伴關係的宣言。在所有這些領域,我們的合作都是(相互)依賴的 - 波蘭和美國都受益。
These are not words; these are concrete effects. Our mutual relations have been deepened and strengthened through our reverence to assured values, which are the pillars of the transatlantic community.
I believe that they have evolved toward — they will evolve towards a true friendship between committed and trusted allies.
我相信他們已經發展 - 他們將發展成為忠誠和可信賴的盟友之間真正的友誼。
Distinguished Mr. President, in Poland we know that you are our great friend. (Applause.) And it is right here, at the White House, that — the very heart of the United States — that I would like to take this opportunity and appreciate these relations that you have with the hardworking and loyal Polish-Americans. (Applause.)
尊敬的總統先生,在波蘭,我們知道您是我們的好朋友。(掌聲)正是在這裡,在白宮,- 美國的核心 - 我想藉此機會,讚賞您與勤勞和忠誠的波蘭裔美國人的關係。(掌聲。)
I have met thousands of them in different American cities, and I can assure you, Mr. President, that this feeling is mutual. (Applause.)
(In English.) Dear friends, in two days, America will celebrate the great anniversary. It will be the day of the birth — a new anniversary of the day of the birth of the 45th President of the United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump. (Applause.)
(英文。)親愛的朋友們,兩天之內,美國將慶祝偉大的週年紀念日。這將是誕生的日子 - 美利堅合眾國第45任總統唐納德·川普先生生日的新紀念日。(掌聲。)
Happy birthday, Mr. President! Happy birthday to you. May all your dreams come true, Mr. President.
AUDIENCE: (Sings “Sto Lat.”) (Applause.)
聽眾: (唱“Sto Lat。”)波蘭生日歌(掌聲)
PRESIDENT DUDA: Mr. President — Mr. President, may this first term of your presidency will be the introduction to the second one. Thank you. (Applause.)
杜達總統:總統先生 - 總統先生,祝願您擔任總統的第一個任期將是您第二個任期的先導。謝謝。(掌聲。)
PRESIDENT TRUMP: Thanks, everybody. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much.
5:44 P.M. EDT
美東時間 下午5點44分
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